DVD Version?

Here's a question from across the pond... I'm searching for a US version of the DVD sets, and all I find are the UK versions! Is this England's revenge for 1812??? Come on, guys, these are wicked funny! You should see my Mom singing and dancing along to Henry VIII & His Sorry Wives (and let's not forget Patchacuti!)

If you don't get out of my way, I WILL organize you!



I feel your pain blueskyhorse! I almost wish they'd put out a DVD that is playable in our region - but I also fear that if they did that, they might feel the need to Americanize it somehow and I think that would completely destroy the feel of the program. (Dear Brits - there are actually quite a few of us here who 'get' and enjoy your humor!) The best solution I can offer you is to buy a multi-region code free DVD player. They're actually very affordable and they put an end to the silliness of region specific DVDs.
