Anyone seen?

If so, what did you make of the ending? Does he kill both of them? One of them and himself? We hear her screaming after the shots...


He had to have shot both Terry and himself.

Also what exactly was David doing at truck stops? If he's a homosexual why was he so shocked and repulsed at having had a threesome with Terry, he also seems to show no interest in Terry at all from what I remember so it just seems a little odd with the discrepancy. What's his relationship with Rigo? Outside of Terry's comment there didn't seem to be anything backing up David's repressed homosexuality other than motivation for him snapping at the end and killing Rigo.


I just rewatched the ending, and I didn't notice that as we're fading to credits, she walks out of the house and down the street crying, so yes, he shot Terry and himself.

It seems that yeah, he's closeted/repressed/self-loathing...perhaps not simply gay, but a pedophile (Terry asks him snidely how old Rigo was when he came to live here). That could explain his disgust at fooling around with Terry, as he's only into kids, not adult men. Or it could simply just be the self-loathing thing, why he's so repulsed at having sex with Terry, or even simply as he says, that he's a priest and took a vow of celibacy. Or a combo of any/all of those things.
