A massive problem.

Sorry, but this has been a big problem for me since episode 2. The night manager from the hotel in Zermatt just happens to be working in Mallorca at exactly the right place and time to rescue Roper's son from kidnappers?! Neither Roper nor any of his staff is suspicious of this is a HUGE coincidence?!?!


I thought he was placed there and the robbery was staged, Pine was supposed to nearly die saving Ropers son.


Yes, but the point is: Somebody like Roper would never fall for it. The best Pine could have hoped for was a wedge of cash as a reward and sent on his way. More likely, he would have been given concrete shoes and dropped in the sea.


You're totally right, I'm sure Roper wouldn't have fallen for it but as for it being a massive problem I don't think it matters that much. They needed to set up Pine getting 'in' with Roper and although pretty unbelievable I thought it was done well and in an exciting way. They beat him so bad he nearly died, maybe this made it more plausible to Roper? Not sure if they intended to beat him so bad, can't remember now?




if I seem a little strange, that's because I am.......


I suppose it could be argued that Pine worked at the world's ultra elite hotels, of which there are prIobably only a few hundred. Roper and his entourage patronised those relatively small number of hotels. It is possible that you'd run into people you'd met before I guess.


Except by that time Pine was supposedly wanted for grand larceny and murder and was working under an assumed name.


I think the idea was to play on the fact that if Roper did have a weakness, it would be about his son, so that he would be much more grateful to anyone who rescued his son from kidnappers, but I agree that Roper seems uncharacteristically trusting where Pine is concerned. It's not just then, but also when he knows there's a leak, but doesn't seem to focus on Pine as being the most likely suspect. In any case, would he have let someone he's only known a matter of weeks assume such an important role in multi-million dollar arms deals? If he wanted to reward him for rescuing his son, wouldn't he have simply given him a job as one of his underlings?


Pine made a pretence of wanting to leave after his recovery, Roper kept him, gave him a new ID so he had control over him. Pine robbed the Zermatt hotel and this attracted Roper to him, especially as he discovered his naughty deeds in Cornwall.


I have to say I still find it unbelievable that Roper trusted Pine. It was way to convenient and then how quickly Pine became too high in the ranks to Roper.

Not one person with a proper brain cell between them apart from poor (Corky), thinking that events were going a bit pear shaped as soon as Pine was on the scene????

Look upward... and share the wonders I have seen, John Crichton, Farscape


I actually think Roper was just as seduced by Pine's charm as everyone else. You saw the admiring expressions on his face when Pine charmed or managed a person. Almost like a proud father. You saw the scales fall from his eyes once those truck blew up.

I too felt that he was way too trusting, particularly with how he had no qualms about Pine & Jed going off alone at all times of the day & night. Even sending them off together at times. But a) he's a complete narcissist so the idea of someone touching what was his was a foreign concept and b)Pine saved his son and by all accounts was just as shady and crooked as the rest of them. Roper believed it because he wanted to believe it, even with Corky waving red flags all over the place.


It's not just then, but also when he knows there's a leak, but doesn't seem to focus on Pine as being the most likely suspect.

But, you have to remember that there were 'leaks' in the Cairo debacle. As far as Roper is aware, he could be wholly discounted from that 'leak'.

He had met Pine in Zermatt; he was impressed by his 'unflappability' in the face of Corky's ribald humour; when he had teased him to take a drink to his naked girlfriend and again when Pine hadn't thrown away his cigarette - small things, but giving Roper a good and memorable impression.

And so to Mallorca ... Pine saved his son, nearly dying in the process; saved him lots of money and having done an exhaustive search, finds he's a wanted man - a thief and a murderer.

Corky's getting drunk all the time; taking the p!ss out of Roper; inviting 'tottie' to parties; p!ssing into the garden; is becoming a liability, because those with whom he is dealing don't trust him and creating scenes in restaurants, which Pine manages to diffuse.

To Roper: he wasn't the original leak; saved his son; is a criminal; unflappable and looks and speaks the part.

I don't think it is too much of a stretch, that he was successful.



impressed by an unflappability in the face of a bit of heavily homosexual orientated innuendo and not throwing a cigarette away. 

on the strength of that he's willing to oust the odious Corky (his pal and confidente) and bring Pine into the fold.


Roper only had to tell Corky to behave him self.

if I seem a little strange, that's because I am.......


Read the rest!
All things mount up.
I once met some people, whilst on holiday, in Africa and met them again in Mexico! What are the chances of that?
I'd call it a spectacular coincidence. It just might be what Roper thought too. It's not beyond the realms of possibilty.


All things mount up.
I once met some people, whilst on holiday, in Africa and met them again in Mexico! What are the chances of that?
I'd call it a spectacular coincidence. It just might be what Roper thought too. It's not beyond the realms of possibilty

I've met people I used to work with in different countries on three occasions. There was another time when I was talking to somebody at work about white water rafting. When we got to comparing photos, it turned out we'd been in the same raft a couple of years earlier - before we knew each other.


Exactly. The setup was so obvious. Plus the fact that Roper didn't even bother to look for the guys who "kidnapped" his son. Surely a rapacious thug like him would hunt them down and kill them. Plot Hole.

The whole story hinges on Roper believing Pine's story and since one could drive a truck through those holes, I had a hard time believing the rest of the story.

Overall, I enjoyed the series, but was unable to suspend disbelief because the premise was so flawed.


I'm going to respectfully disagree. It's the conscientious way that Pine carried himself that appealed to Roper. Small things like that should Roper that Pine was of a different fabric. Those weren't just quirks that Pine had, there was purpose behind it.

(Consider a review site if you don't want spoilers. This is a discussion board.)


Also, why would the Egyptians employ an Englishman as an hotel manager? Especially a guy whose previous work experience was being in the army? Makes no sense at all.


Maybe because the Englishman looks nice in a suit and talks oh so nicely? :) And he is manning the desk during the night, I am not sure how much that involves him in general management of the hotel beyond check-in/out and guest complaints during the night.


Ya think Egyptians don't look nice in suits and can't talk nice? Need to get out more baby! (and drop those prejudices, maybe?).


I only said that Tom Hiddleston looks nice in a suit and talks nicely. He has a very pleasing accent (at least to my ears) and I don't see why a hotel cannot have international personnel.


What previous experience did Pine have to be an hotel manager. Was he in the catering core or work in that NAAFI?

if I seem a little strange, that's because I am.......


Why anything?? Why bother writing any sort of fiction? It's going to be a redonculous plot full of holes and flawed characters; let's all enjoy Towie instead.


What previous experience did Pine have to be an hotel manager. Was he in the catering core or work in that NAAFI?

If he was an ex army officer, we would be used to dealing with people, organizing things, situational awareness which would be useful to a hotel manager, I knew a "passed over major" who ended up managing a branch of a car rental company..

btw, it's the Catering Corps, not "catering core", and the NAAFI isn't part of the army.


what's it like, being such a pedant?

being in the army he would be familiar with the NAAFI.
dick head.

he's got his nose so far up top's arse.....he's got to be pinocchio, man.....


i have the same problem with Night Manager as I did with The Departed. There is a well established crew adn then a new face joins and things start turning to crap. they work out they must have a mole/leak but don't think to cut the new guy loose?


There is a well established crew adn then a new face joins and things start turning to crap

It had turned crap in Cairo. There had been a leak, in Cairo. Roper distrusted his established crew. He, as he admitted, trusted no-one.
Pine was not connected, as far as Roper knew, to the leak.


Exactly. He'd already had a problem with info getting out and Sophie never said who she was working with. So he's already suspicious, then you get Corky, who was already part of the crew when Cairo happened, being openly problematic. Roper has no reason to connect Pine to Cairo. So while it's possible it's Pine, it's also very possible it's someone who was already in his circle because leaks were happening long before Pine was in his orbit. I think Roper was suspicious of everyone by then.

And like I said, he was just as seduced by Pine's charm as everyone else.


Yeah, but, but but but!
Every story ever told, can be scrutinised and found wanting.
I have my own idea about what constitutes 'good telly'. For me, this was a great example and there were no 'massive problems'. But, you can't please everyone.


This bugged me too... the series portrays Laurie as much more blind than I think the audience wanted or would believe... and it hurts the series it's so glaring... it's 2016, audiences are just too quick for this slow, dumb, writing.

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You have to remember that the audience knows whats going on,
but since he saves his son, and takes a severe beating,
why would he suspect anything fishy?
He also went "off script" and broke the dude's arm,
indicating this was well beyond a staged rescue.
Not until Corky raises the red flag would Roper have reason to be suspicious.


Like other people said - this was planned. For me (and I'm on 3rd episode now), the biggest problem is the acting. Pine is acting too posh, too civil to be a criminal - he isn't good at selling his 'criminal' persona to me - and if I'm not sold, Roper wouldn't be sold either.
