Sam's parents/ college tuition

So according to the gf, the gov't paid for Sam's tuition, correct? Yet why do, in the 2nd and this film, his parents complain about his over priced IVY education and his inability to get a decent job? Why? If they didn't pay for it, what's the problem?

That said, I loved his parents.


Well they must not have paid for it until after part 2. So they parents till had to pay in the beginning. Plus his parents just like to complain a lot, that much is obvious.


With all of the money that was spent on his education it should have resulted in a job. If you pay the amount that was paid (either by his parents or the gov't) then you expect results or something back in return fot that amount of money (job).

"My name is Lt. Aldo Raine"


"With all of the money that was spent on his education it should have resulted in a job. If you pay the amount that was paid (either by his parents or the gov't) then you expect results or something back in return fot that amount of money (job)."

Well, most likely Sam's involvement in the events of DOTM, probably resulted in the government giving him a job for helping expose Dylan's Decepticon involvement.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


With all of the money that was spent on his education it should have resulted in a job.


Looks like someone hasn't been paying much attention to the job market lately, lol.

At least pay attention to THE MOVIES, ffs.

Sam's mentioned the bad economy already and we've already seen just how well he performs in job interviews. Being redflagged for showing up on the FBI's Most Wanted list obviously didn't help much either.
