DVD quote?

I'm pretty sure the critic quote on the DVD says "the best action movie ever!"


I'm pretty sure they spliced 2 sentences together and used that. What do you think?


Maybe they clipped the quote as it said something like, "It is absolutely anything but the best action movie ever!"

** Rest in peace, Timothy Volkert (1988 - 2003) **


Haha probably
I read somewhere he said "If you're 10, this is the best action movie ever!"


You guys, this IS the best action movie ever.


You're kidding, right?

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5384-Untra nsformed


Let me put it this way: can you name a better one ?


That's right, I didn't think so.


Thanks for giving me a whole 36 seconds to answer...

Raiders of The Lost Ark
Terminator 2
Die Hard
Lethal Weapon

That's just a quick few off the top of my head. A great action film is a lot more than just explosions and CGI. It has great characters and story.

So, you were kidding, right?

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5384-Untra nsformed


Those movies, substance-wise, are better (apart from one). But this is the most epic action movie, great could mean epic.


You don't know what the word "epic" means.

Lord of the Rings is epic. 300 is epic. Even Harry Potter is epic. Transformers is not. It could have been, but they screwed it up in favor of low-brow humor and annoying characters.

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5384-Untra nsformed


Excuse me, mr nonsensical person who we can only assume is Drappelfreed2000 as that is the name you go by due to the fact that you REFUSE to give your real one: I think you'll find that Transformers 3 IS the most epic movie so far.

300 is sh't by the way, but I'm mostly inclined to say that because my mom thinks it's good.


Excuse me, mr nonsensical person who we can only assume is Drappelfreed2000 as that is the name you go by due to the fact that you REFUSE to give your real one:

Speaking of nonsensical, what the fugg are you talking about?!? What jackass would use their real name on here?

I think you'll find that Transformers 3 IS the most epic movie so far.

The only thing I've found is that you still don't know what the word "epic" means. You think it's a synonym for "good" or "cool". It isn't. Using the word "epic" to describe something isn't an opinion. Some things are epic, other things - like Bayformers - are not.

It's like when people used the word "gnarly" in the 80's. You remember the 80's, right?

Oh, of course you don't.

300 is sh't by the way,

I didn't care for it either. I told you - "epic" is not an opinion.

but I'm mostly inclined to say that because my mom thinks it's good.

Thank you for letting me know that I'm arguing with a 12 year old.

So, I guess your screen name is your real name AND your age.

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5384-Untra nsformed


"what the fugg are you talking about?!?" LOOOL ! Punctual innaccuracy ! I get a head start for that ! WOOHOO

No anyweaha, as I was saying: epic means like, I dunno, Transformers flying around killing eachother with the whole city at stake and....it's just epic ! You know ?

Ofcourse I remember the 80s ! What kind of question is that, frogger came out in the 80s, sheesh.

300 is supposed to be epic but isn't, IMO. Anyway, since you will not give youre real name I will bid you goodbye, mr, what was it again ? danglefrench ? something like that.

oh and BTW, you can mark your ass and bet my word I am not 12 yet. The reason I made the 12 in my name is because I joined in, oh wait no I joined in 2011. Why did I put a 12 ? Hmm, I'll have to dwell on that like the time I dwelled on wether to let yo mama go on top or me, P.S I went for the latter because I wanted to impress her the 1st time.


LOOOL ! Punctual innaccuracy ! I get a head start for that ! WOOHOO

There was no "punctual inaccuracies" in what I typed. However, if you want to go there, there is not supposed to be a space between the last word of a sentence and the punctuation mark, dumbass. You also didn't puctuate after your final 3rd grade "WOO HOO". To boot, you ironically spelled "inaccuracy" wrong. If you're going to nitpick grammar, proofread your posts first.

No anyweaha, as I was saying: epic means like, I dunno, Transformers flying around killing eachother with the whole city at stake and....it's just epic ! You know ?

No, and neither do you. That's not what "epic" means.

Ofcourse I remember the 80s ! What kind of question is that, frogger came out in the 80s, sheesh.

Did your mommy tell you all about Frogger? That doesn't mean you were alive in the 80's (or the 90's for that matter). I know about The Wizard of Oz and I wasn't alive in the 30's.

300 is supposed to be epic but isn't, IMO.

That's the point I'm trying to get into your pre-teen head. It isn't your opinion. I told you I didn't care for the movie either, but it is still an epic movie. Please learn what the word means.

Anyway, since you will not give youre real name I will bid you goodbye, mr, what was it again ? danglefrench ? something like that.

1. How many people on here use their real name? Your real name is Yarmen? Is that your first or last name?

2. It's best you say goodbye, since you have nothing worthwhile to say and are severely losing this argument.

3. Making fun of someone's screen name? There's a sign of maturity. Perhaps I gave you too much credit by saying that you're 12.

oh and BTW, you can mark your ass and bet my word I am not 12 yet.

So you ARE younger than 12. It's kind of obvious - The whining, the mom references, the failure to grasp the English language.

The reason I made the 12 in my name is because I joined in, oh wait no I joined in 2011. Why did I put a 12 ?

So, you're an idiot, too. Gotcha.

Hmm, I'll have to dwell on that like the time I dwelled on wether to let yo mama go on top or me, P.S I went for the latter because I wanted to impress her the 1st time.

Ah. A "Yo momma" joke. That takes me back about 30 years. The little merit that joke could have had was thrown out the window by the fact that you haven't reached puberty yet.

Go to bed, kiddo. It's a school night.

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5384-Untra nsformed


Yes there were puncutal innaccura-inaccurra-inaccura F'CK IT, punctual mistakes in your comment: the exclamation mark always comes after the question marks, or is it the other way around ? Lol, this reminds me of the time me and your mom, ahh I better not say, you is too yuong to here what the story intails... (tee-hee !) I bet you think TF ROTF is good.

"The little merit that joke could have had was thrown out the window by the fact that you haven't reached puberty yet" yo mama didn't seem to mind, why she is so much of a cougar she'll knock your @ss down and kill you while you're playing RDR.

"That's not what "epic" means." it approximates.

And with that, I think it is fair to say I have won the argument, but don't take my word for it, ask the ppl reading this argument, they've seen a good many argument in their day and without a doubt when they see this argument they will see clear as day that the winner of the argument is quite undeniableeemee......

Now if you'll excuse me, I believe I have an arangemint with yo mama (oh man, she's gonna get her some !)

Stupid pandaface pretentious superhero wannabe: "You're not locked in here with me, I'mr locked in here with you" Prison guy: "Whatever, just don't you pour any more cooking oil or we gonna whoop yo @ss.


Yes there were puncutal innaccura-inaccurra-inaccura F'CK IT, punctual mistakes in your comment: the exclamation mark always comes after the question marks, or is it the other way around ?

It baffles the mind that you are trying to correct me on something that you just admitted to not knowing. You ride the short bus, dont you?

BTW - Spell Check is your friend. Use it.

Lol, this reminds me of the time me and your mom, ahh I better not say, you is too yuong to here what the story intails... (tee-hee !)

I can't believe that I'm having a conversation with a ten year old who enjoys having sex with a 75 year old woman. Trust me, you're making yourself look a lot worse than me. I haven't been offended by a "Yo Momma" joke since my testicles dropped. Wait a year or two - yours will drop too.

I bet you think TF ROTF is good.

One of the worst cinematic train wrecks I've ever seen. Funny how you don't think that film was "epic", since they're the exact same style of film.

Oh, that's right. You don't know what the hell you're talking about.

yo mama didn't seem to mind, why she is so much of a cougar she'll knock your @ss down and kill you while you're playing RDR.

What the hell is RDR?

"That's not what "epic" means." it approximates.

No, it doesn't.


ep·ic [ep-ik]

adjective Also, ep·i·cal.
1. noting or pertaining to a long poetic composition, usually centered upon a hero, in which a series of great achievements or events is narrated in elevated style: Homer's Iliad is an epic poem.
2. resembling or suggesting such poetry: an epic novel on the founding of the country.
3. heroic; majestic; impressively great: the epic events of the war.
4. of unusually great size or extent: a crime wave of epic proportions.

5. an epic poem.
6. epic poetry.
7. any composition resembling an epic.
8. something worthy to form the subject of an epic: The defense of the Alamo is an American epic.
9. ( initial capital letter ) . Also called Old Ionic. the Greek dialect represented in the Iliad and the Odyssey, apparently Aeolic modified by Ionic.

Something being "epic" is a definite thing. It's like saying the sky is blue. You can't just call something you like "epic".

Example: You're stupidity, stubbornness and immaturity are epic.

And with that, I think it is fair to say I have won the argument, but don't take my word for it, ask the ppl reading this argument, they've seen a good many argument in their day and without a doubt when they see this argument they will see clear as day that the winner of the argument is quite undeniableeemee......

See above.

You lost.

Now if you'll excuse me, I believe I have an arangemint with yo mama (oh man, she's gonna get her some !)

It's hilarious that you think you're insulting me by saying that you enjoy having sex with senior citizens.

I don't have to make things up to insult you. You're actually feeding me the ammo.

Take your Ritalin.

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5384-Untra nsformed


"What the hell is RDR?" lOl you need to have some fun: RDR is one of the greatest games ever made, a sandbox open world shooter set in the old west, I cannat believe you donot know this.

"You ride the short bus, dont you?" Say what ? I haven't rid a bus in years, not since I spillt my cereal on one, sure everybody pretended not to notice, but what does one do when they spill they cereal on a bus ? Do the same thing but without spillage ? No, I don't need ther respect, I've got to be strong.

"Take your Ritalin." Ritalin is 4 crazy people, take it yourself.

As for what the word epic means, it certainly describes the movie in question.

Now if you'll excuse me, I believe yo mama is calling for a massage, who knows where that may lead....(!) I must admit, it will be tough trying to top last night, so we'll just have to settle for short and sweet, no pressure, I like that


"What the hell is RDR?" lOl you need to have some fun: RDR is one of the greatest games ever made, a sandbox open world shooter set in the old west, I cannat believe you donot know this.

I have more important things to do than worry about what video games are out. If you grow up, you'll realize this.

"You ride the short bus, dont you?" Say what ? I haven't rid a bus in years, not since I spillt my cereal on one, sure everybody pretended not to notice, but what does one do when they spill they cereal on a bus ? Do the same thing but without spillage ? No, I don't need ther respect, I've got to be strong.

I'm not going to sugar coat this - It means you're retarded.

"Take your Ritalin." Ritalin is 4 crazy people, take it yourself.

No, it's for little children who can't focus.

As for what the word epic means, it certainly describes the movie in question.

Bad on an epic scale.

You may not agree with that statement, but at least I used the word in the correct context.

Now if you'll excuse me, I believe yo mama is calling for a massage, who knows where that may lead....(!) I must admit, it will be tough trying to top last night, so we'll just have to settle for short and sweet, no pressure, I like that

The funny thing is, you're mom is probably around the same age as me. It's very likely that I'm your father. I'm also assuming that she drank a lot when she was pregnant. That explains your mental disabilities.

http://www.escapistmagazine.com/videos/view/the-big-picture/5384-Untra nsformed


Lol, you're meany beany with a tiny wheeny.

"I'm not going to sugar coat this - It means you're retarded." Sugar coat what ? and who's retarded ? And you speeled shoogger wrong, dumbass, wow, I mean like, woah. You think some people could not get any dumber and then bamb ! Drapplefreak or whatever because he refuses to give his real name, ahem, yes I have not forgotten about that , comes along and is even dumber than the already admitidly low standards for dumb.

You are clearly losing this argument making cheap shots at my moma, and who said you had to worry about videogames ? Just buy them you cheap F'CK.

And get a soundchair, like me. Sheesh, do I need to send you a link ? Are you a little on the slow side ? HAHAH, oh man.


this IS the best action movie ever.

Sure, if you're a horny 10-year old boy.

Let the storm rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway...
[Formerly CosmosX9]


LexiOtaku: if that is your opinion then tell me what is wrong with the action in this film?

we are not talking about the *beep* revenge of the fallen movie here.


What was wrong with the action?? Too much slow-motion and shakey cam, that's what!

Let the storm rage on, the cold never bothered me anyway...
[Formerly CosmosX9]


LexiOtaku: shakey cam engenders a sense of chaos, which is appropriate for this movie given that it's about an invasion from these giant overbearing Robot barbarians.

as for slowmo, it never gets old. You critics can't chose what excuse you have to slam these movies "The slowmo get's over used." or "I can't even tell what's happening unless they use slowmo, the slowmo parts are the only good thing!" sheesh

however, I would agree the action in the 2nd film was, with the exception of the forest fight, horrendous. The slowmo is used at the wrong times, the explosions are weak, the sound effects suck, it's too brief and not powerful enough and the moves used by the characters are lame. Like when Bumblebee kills Rampage, he rips him apart, then he kills Ravage, he rips him apart, or when Jetfire gets attacked by Scorponok, he rips him off then rips him apart.

That's lame, all of it. I want LASERS AND EXPLOSIONS AND BLADES AND PUNCHING AND SMASHING, and this movie offers that in great glorious spades


That quote came from film critic/entertainment reporter Rusty Gatenby, he appears frequently on KSTP in Minnesota delivering movie news and reviews. In addition, he also does traffic reports for the station in the morning. And yes, he really did say that, nothing was altered when he did.

