Well, considering that the Avengers were defending their homeworld from an invading and overwhelming force which had no regard for mankind whatsoever...sure, I'd say the kid gloves are OFF and it's a no-holds-barred situation, absolutely. War is ugly and even heroes have to do horrific things in the name of good to come out on top.
Is such behavior ideal? Certainly not. But neither is war and in neither case was it instigated by the good guys, so w/e. Like YOU just said yourself, "shades of grey, dude."
And "3 on 1," btw? Pay more attention to the movie! It was more like 200+ Decepticons vs. 9 or so Autobots.
Plus, I guess you missed it but the Wreckers are clearly defined as being @$$h0les. What were they SUPPOSED to do, kill the guy with dandelions?
And that Decepticon may have been sitting and his ship may have been shot down, but he still had some fight in him...he WAS punching his way out of his cockpit, after all. The Wreckers just had an advantage and pressed it, finishing him off pretty damned quickly no matter what you think of their methods. Sure, you could call it "torturing and maiming him," but it was still over in seconds. It's not like they left him lingering in limbo, he was dead as a doornail right away.
So what if it hurt until then? Does the guy who just invaded and destroyed a city and killed tens if not hundreds or thousands of people -- with an eye towards enslaving the entire remaining human population, no less -- REALLY deserve anything better?
The outright EVIL intentions of the Decepticons were made exceedingly clear in every single film. The Autobots were forced to do WHATEVER was necessary to put their madness to an end. Oh, no! Some Decepticons got hurt! Well, that's just too goddamned bad. But THEY started it. Reap what you sow, and all that.
Have you seen Zero Dark Thirty? Did you REALLY shed any tears for poor old bin Laden when he was defenseless and gunned down by the overwhelming forces who outnumbered him hopelessly?
Yeah, that's what I thought.
Moving on...