Skids and mudflat

Even though skids and mudflap were cut due to what was perceived as racist stereotypes and being annoying but too bad they were not mentioned since I know they were killed by sentinel in the novel.


I know it's an extremely unpopular opinion, but they were actually one of my favorite things about Revenge of the Fallen.

I can't believe the extreme backlash against them. And I understand that that's why Bay and co. didn't put them in Dark of the Moon, but I still hated it. I would've been fine with them just being in the background or had extremely reduced roles. Oh well :(


I think that if it were possible to tell that other Transformers had been portrayed as black, like having a strong black guy like Ving Rhames or Terry Crews portray Ironhide or having the guy that voiced Bumble Bee when he was repaired do it more often then Skids and Mudflap wouldn't have been such an issue.

But having the two only obviously black Transformers acting like gangbangers with gold teeth, swagger and talking jive was doubly annoying, firstly they were annoying and secondly they were a heinous stereotype that were just begging to upset people.

If you are only gonna cast one African American in a movie you don't have them wearing a crushed velvet suit and 3lbs of gold unless you really want to upset a lot of people.

You don't know sh!t, Jon Snow!
