Question for old-school Transformers fans who liked this trilogy
Why do you like these movies?
I'm not a Transformers fan, but I co-host a podcast where we deeply analyze nothing but awful movies scene by scene; and these three were right up there with Alone in the Dark and The Crow: Wicked Prayer for the worst of the worst. Allow me to explain where I'm coming from.
Firstly, you have Optimus Prime--the greatest hero of the Transformers franchise, who longtime Transformers fans tell me is noble and just. In these movies, he brutally murders hundreds of his own kind in horribly sadistic ways. In the third movie, he essentially uses the human race as a pawn in a scheme to fool the Decepticons and doesn't even utilize the strategy he claims he intended. He flat out says, "We will KILL THEM ALL." Then, to cap it all off, he vindictively kills Megatron after he saves his life and shoots the helpless Sentinel after he shows remorse and begs for his life. Is this really what Optimus is supposed to be--a careless murderer?
On the other side, you have Megatron--the granddaddy bada** of all Transformers villains. In the first movie, he gets like ten minutes of on-screen time, if that. He is then killed by Sam Witwicky--an annoying little pissant human being (and one of the absolute worst, most unlikeable protagonists in movie history.) In the second movie, he is somehow retconned into being essentially a slave to The Fallen. He kills Optimus, but this means nothing because Optimus just comes back and rips his jaw off. So, he gets utterly b****ed out. Again. In the third movie, again, he does almost nothing. He is now subservient to Sentinel Prime, who at one point, just slaps him around on top of a building. (Wasn't Megatron's side winning the War of Cybertron...?) He gets the Sub-Zero spine rip treatment from Optimus. The Michael Bay version of Megatron might be one of the most ineffectual and b****ed-out villains in sci-fi history.
So, does it not bother you that your beloved characters got mishandled and warped so badly? I fully expect the "artistic license" argument to come up, but these movies are like what it would be if they took Donatello from TMNT and made him a drug-dealing high school dropout. I won't even get into the canyon-sized plot holes; the ret-cons that screw up any semblance of a timeline between the films; the horrible acting, scripts, editing, and all that stuff. Just from a characterization standpoint, these movies basically took a giant-sized Cleveland Steamer all over that franchise.