MovieChat Forums > Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) Discussion > Question for old-school Transformers fan...

Question for old-school Transformers fans who liked this trilogy

Why do you like these movies?

I'm not a Transformers fan, but I co-host a podcast where we deeply analyze nothing but awful movies scene by scene; and these three were right up there with Alone in the Dark and The Crow: Wicked Prayer for the worst of the worst. Allow me to explain where I'm coming from.

Firstly, you have Optimus Prime--the greatest hero of the Transformers franchise, who longtime Transformers fans tell me is noble and just. In these movies, he brutally murders hundreds of his own kind in horribly sadistic ways. In the third movie, he essentially uses the human race as a pawn in a scheme to fool the Decepticons and doesn't even utilize the strategy he claims he intended. He flat out says, "We will KILL THEM ALL." Then, to cap it all off, he vindictively kills Megatron after he saves his life and shoots the helpless Sentinel after he shows remorse and begs for his life. Is this really what Optimus is supposed to be--a careless murderer?

On the other side, you have Megatron--the granddaddy bada** of all Transformers villains. In the first movie, he gets like ten minutes of on-screen time, if that. He is then killed by Sam Witwicky--an annoying little pissant human being (and one of the absolute worst, most unlikeable protagonists in movie history.) In the second movie, he is somehow retconned into being essentially a slave to The Fallen. He kills Optimus, but this means nothing because Optimus just comes back and rips his jaw off. So, he gets utterly b****ed out. Again. In the third movie, again, he does almost nothing. He is now subservient to Sentinel Prime, who at one point, just slaps him around on top of a building. (Wasn't Megatron's side winning the War of Cybertron...?) He gets the Sub-Zero spine rip treatment from Optimus. The Michael Bay version of Megatron might be one of the most ineffectual and b****ed-out villains in sci-fi history.

So, does it not bother you that your beloved characters got mishandled and warped so badly? I fully expect the "artistic license" argument to come up, but these movies are like what it would be if they took Donatello from TMNT and made him a drug-dealing high school dropout. I won't even get into the canyon-sized plot holes; the ret-cons that screw up any semblance of a timeline between the films; the horrible acting, scripts, editing, and all that stuff. Just from a characterization standpoint, these movies basically took a giant-sized Cleveland Steamer all over that franchise.


I thought Optimus Prime was pretty badass in the 3rd movie. Except for that stupid scene where a few cables can get him out of action.

But given the situation and the fact the Decepticons were not playing fair, that they ever did even in the old series what choice did he have.. He couldn't talk his way out of it at all..Both Megatron and Sentinel Prime were beyond the point of talking, they wanted what they wanted and nothing less.


Because the cartoon isn't on anymore. Also, they ALWAYS ruin the original. I still pissed Megatron wasn't a gun in one damn movie.

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


I like them because they're just like the original cartoon: just stupid fun mindless action.

Anyone expecting anything more from these movies is just foolish.

I also like the references to the original cartoon (especially in the third one; Megatron sitting on the Lincoln Memorial, the Decepticons bringing Cybertron to Earth, Autobots getting banished and only faking out that they're leaving).

I also happen to like the human characters in these movies. I'm probably comparing the human presence in these movies to the Anime cartoons though... but, really, the humans in those cartoons were just awful. Anything looks good compared to that lol.


How could he turn into a *beep* gun THATS NOT POSSIBLE IN REAL LIFE


It's not real life retard, it's a movie about huge robots from space. What are you 7?

Cult Leader my mind's frightening, I drink blood from a human skull like a Viking


Bottom Line the movie was a movie and it was good. Get over it.



Who's the bitch? You
Oh and you're a butthurt psychotic dolt.
Get over it douchebag



Care to tell us why it's so good then? Not everybody liked the film, you know.

You ever danced with the Devil in the pale moonlight?
[Formerly CosmosX9]


Old-school Transformers fan here.

First off, you have to understand that these movies are not necessarily the movies that I would have made, were it left up to me. That said, that doesn't mean I appreciate the work that went into them, and respect them as a valiant effort.

Second, it's the friggin' Transformers! That first scene in the first movie where that big blue truck with those awesome red flames rolls up and stops and shifts and rolls and winds itself up into the giant robot that we all knew and loved was just awesome. I still sit and watch that scene intently when I see it. Again, it would be nice if some of the first things it said wasn't about ebay, but meh, it's still Otpimus freakin' Prime, and I'll take it.

Third, in regard to murdering others of their kind, what were they supposed to do? If the Decepticons were truly coming to Earth to set up shop and turn this into the new Cybertron, what are the Autobots supposed to do, swing giant flowers at them? They were killing humans and destroying our cities. As the Autobots had chosen to defend humanity, they had to make a choice: join with the Decepticons or stop them. And personally, I wouldn't have beleived it if the Decepticons weren't fighting for keeps. I wouldn't have accepted a "knock-out punch" or some non-violent method of restraining every Decepticon. In a giant slug-out like that, there's going to be some hurt going around, and these things would be able to sling hurt like nobody's business.

Fourth, as to Optimus and the trick in the third movie, I think you misinterpreted what happened. To me, if these things showed up in our world, even if the Autobots had declared to be on our side, I can easily see human governments and the cowardly people who hold those seats arguing that it was all of their fault, and that we would just as soon see them all leave as to stick around and keep this battle going in our midst. So I don't see it as "using the human species to fool the Decepticons" as I do an intentional gambit to let humans know precisely what would happen if the Autobots weren't there to help defend us.

As for Megatron, well I always figured he was a punk anyway. He wasn't necessarily an ultra-badass in the cartoons back then. He always sounded like he was whining and squeaking. And his subordinate attitude toward The Fallen and Sentinel Prime, I just figured that was because he was always a bitch in the first place, and only became the leader when the others had left Cybertron and were lost. Then again, Carly does play against his envy toward the end of the third movie, and his anger at being second-fiddle leads to him responding at a crucial moment.

I don't think they were mishandled and warped. It's not like the original cartoons were Emmy-winning works of art. They were kid cartoons with some very kid-like themes sometimes. And these movies brought them to the big screen.

I will say, the only thing that really bothered me was in the third movie, when they showed the Autobots working for the U.S. government, running missions against other governments. That was the only thing I really felt was a true betrayal of the original material, as I don't remember Autobots being punks of the United States military. They should have said "Hey, that's your business. We're here to defend you against the Decepticons, but we're here to defend all of you. Your internal squabbles will remain your own." But this is really the only thing I disliked out of all three movies and felt was out of place.

Whether you like the final cut or not, you must admit that they got it done, and were able to convince the studios to make it happen. If you weren't happy with the result, write your own treatment! Write your own screenplay! Fix the problems! See what you can get done. I'd be interested in watching a better version, but until they come along, this is what we had, and it was just fine in my book.

But you're free to disagree if you like. But calling it a Cleveland Steamer? Sorry, but that's a bit too much hyperbolic for me to respect as an opinion. As an admitted non-fan yourself, how can you even claim that? That makes no sense.

Mrs. French's cat is missing...


I agree with almost every point you make, but Megatron was no-one's bitch in the cartoon. Plenty of times you saw him shake off laser blasts and explosions, but he was hampered by Starscream's constant attempts to undermine him.

Sometimes Megatron would play the bitch, like when he was going one-on-one with Optimus, but always to get an underhanded advantage.

One thing I liked about the original Megatron that they probably couldn't have pulled off in the movies was the fact that he could transform into an ultimate weapon, but doing so meant putting himself in someone else's hands. It was something of a curse that such a power freak had to give up that power to utilise his greatest advantage.


Ive never thought of Michael Bay's Optimus prime like that before. I initally thought Prime had been unaffected, but now I can see that even Prime is a former shadow of himself.

Freedom is the right of all sentient Beings, unless they're on the Internet


I regard ALL Transformers, cartoon and movies alike, as mindless entertainment. The cartoon is about as deep as a puddle, the plots were barely coherent and it didn't really become good until the 1986 movie, to be honest. One of my fave episodes of the G1 series was the one where the Optimus's ghost went berserk in the Autobot tomb, so seeing him become a less sympathetic leader is fine with me. The Bay films are entertaining purely because of their style and artistry (this is mainly in regard to the CGI, stunt work and VFX, since the editing and writing are hardly prizewinning stuff). Basically I watch movies like this to indulge my inner 10 year old. Anyone who wants to analyze them on an intellectual level should seriously stop to consider the fact that life is short and their time would be better spent doing something less futile.


Really? "Alone in the Dark" and "Wicked Prayer"?

You lost me there.



Hated how they treated Megatron.
Regarded as the strongest transformer, Optimus needed the matrix to be on his level and in the first film they got him right.
He kicked Primes arse but then they gimped him to a ridiculous level as the films went on.
In fact they gimped all the decepticons but made the Autobots uber powerful.

It is said at the start the Autobots were outnumbered and about to lose the war on Cybertron.
After watching two and three I have to ask just how outnumbered were they?
They must've been outnumbered 1000 to one for the Autobots to lose given how invincible and out of their league they are.

But thats films for you. They start of with the terrfifying unstoppable threat they must over come but as the series goes on this same threat become nothing more than cannon fodder and a minor distraction.

The Optimus character from the original cartoon up to now has always been a wet boy scout, Mary Sue but never more in the last two films. He's the fan favourite that children love so has to be far too good to be interesting and that is what he is here.

Without decent bad guys you can't have decent good guys and when they cheapen the bad guys they make a mockery out of any struggle they are involved in.

Just how bad were the Autobots back on Cybertron if they was about to lose to these same Decepticons.

Lazy writing. Havent seen four yet but as it seems to me to be a bit of a reboot with new baddies at least for one film they will actually be a threat. But then this is the fourth film with Optimus "Mary Sue" Prime and I'm guessing they've made him so powerful he's sent away all of the Autobots to work on their tans in Aruba while he takes care of the new threat, Isis, Global warming and the rising price of bacon all by himself.

I'm guessing the film is 30 minutes long to as it'll be a one punch fight for him.
