It's funny because Carly's role and even her wardrobe basically ARE meant to be for Mikaela...they pretty much added the White House scene and changed her name and that was that, prest-o change-o Mikaela is now Carly. Kinda lame, but it's hard to fault them for it considering the circumstances.
So Carly essentially IS Mikaela, she just couldn't join the action as much this time around since she didn't have any human-sized Decepticons to attack like she did Frenzy and Alice, and because the car she might otherwise have been able to ram into Decepticons turned out to actually BE a Decepticon, lol.
And I think you're forgetting that Mikaela-oops-I-meant-Carly actually DID show initiative in combat anyway when she walked right up and mouthed-off to Megatron so he'd get off his ass and finally give Sentinel Prime the beat-down he deserved.