The reason i don't like this trilogy.
The first time i wanted to watch transformers, i wanted to see some awesome robot battle.
But when i watched go by one by one and lasted only like 2 min. I was very dissapointed.
There isn't alot of action in these movies. And the rest of storyline is just stupid.
And when there are actually some decent battle's going to happen, i have no idea what the *beep* is going on! I thought action movies are suppose to show the action, but what we got are one of the most ridiculous shacky-cam's in cinema history! Even the bourne trilogy did it better. Why didn't micheal bay learn from pacific rim. That is one awesome giant monster movie with some decent action.
I can't say this enough, but my biggest complain where the action sequences. Most fights lasted 1 or 2 min. When they should make fights that will last like 6 min atleast. And in most of the battle sequences you have no idea who is shooting who. And those sequences will only last like 5 min.
I think the most dissapointing part for me were the action sequences in this whole trilogy, because it was just really boring, not exiting, just some random explosions, and that's the biggest reason why the transformers trilogy sucked.
AKA. The fourth one should have never been made.