Starscream's death scene

This scene is a love/hate scene for me. I loved how Starscream was acting towards Sam and chasing him saying he enjoys watching him run with his insect feet. But, his death wasn't that great, I guess it makes sense because he's a coward and hardly fights on the ground so his death is caused by his over confidence etc... But I wish he was only badly injured so a Autobot can finish him off... Or he just runs away again.


Nope... Sadly, I'm pretty sure he died. His entire head exploded.


I know he's dead.... I was saying I'd rather he died differently


As Starscream is my second favorite transformer in the series (behind Megatron whose death scene also kinda sucked) this scene kills me every time. The mighty/cowardly Starscream killed almost single-handedly by Sam Witwicky? That part is painful to watch but still my favorite movie of the series.


Starscream was like the Boba Fett of the first 3: that character that had minimal screen-time with a legion of fans wanting him to just be slimy and all-controlling...and then, he's dispatched with as much fanfare as a Decepticon drone.

But it was fun to see him be very bullying to Sam, and then just get obliterated by him. Of course, Soundwave probably had the cooler death, given Bee 'capped' him in the knees and blew his head off.

"Thanks, guys." "So long, partner."

- Toy Story 3 (9/10)


Yeah. It is a real disappointing scene. Especially since it seems Starscream just forgot he can fly. He's thrashing around like a bird with his wings clipped slobbering all over the place.

His death in Transfomers the animated movie was far more fitting.

Seize the moment, 'cause tomorrow you might be dead.
