This is a good documentary as far as being...well...interesting (???)
But I thought I would smile and laugh as I did with "American Hollow." Heh...not so much. This doc made me angry!
These people are NOT "outlaws!" They're nothing but worthless, skank-ified, poor white trash. They make Ernest T. Bass look like George freaking Clooney graduating with honors from Yale.
Just because you're so freaking ignorant, uneducated, and ill-mannered that your usual behavior mimics...INSANITY...doesn't mean you actually are crazy and qualify for disability SSI. You're just white trash. But what does your disabled body do with itself and all of this free time?
Bar-hopping, drug dealing, drug using, getting wasted, fighting, sleeping around, supplying pregnant women with drugs, supplying the new mother with drugs while she's still in the hospital, having babies, losing babies, getting married, tracking down your husband, shooting people, fantasizing about shooting people, stealing cars, stealing guns, singing karaoke, and ruining your mom's birthday party by being your stupid, ignorant self right in front of her...AND CHILDREN.
That's the worst part - everything is said and done in plain sight of the children. The drug use, the talk of violence, everything is said and done so HAPPILY around the kids that I wonder what anyone means when they say they want their children to "have a better life" than they did. Well, let's see...first, you don't do drugs in front of them and then JOYOUSLY talk about how much you love it. Don't talk about your nephew blowing your face off like its a completely normal occurence. Don't brag about stabbing your boyfriend and laugh at your kid "being cute" when he voices his desire to do the same.
Those poor kids don't know any better. They probably think all families are like this...everyone's got a nephew who has shot them three times. Everybody's got a grandma that would hide evidence and clean up a crime scene for you.
Hank Williams III said that they are the "freest" people. I beg to differ. They are the most PRIMITIVE. They are slaves to their own desires, they are impulsive, they do what they want, exactly when they want to without any forethought to the consequences. And then they wonder why they die so young....why they have such "hard luck."
They remind me of Ron Cummings and Misty Croslin...and that's enough to tick me off!