Makes me wonder if someday they will introduce a bill....

This family makes me wonder if someday the government will introduce a bill for compulsory sterilization for people who are just plain these folks. This family makes me ill. I didn't finish watching it, but I hope CPS didn't give the baby back. The kid playing with the gun in the house was very intelligent. The family enjoying snorting whatever they were snorting are real role models. I could go on and on...but they are just plain lowlifes. Thank God they are where they are and nowhere near the rest of civilization where their idiocy could somehow migrate to others. I only watched about twenty minutes of it, which is all I could stomach. I'd love to see their family tree just for a laugh. It probably doesn't fork all that much.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


It will never happen. The government will continue to subsidize their reproduction. There are many parts of this state where more than 90% of births are paid for via Medicaid, with close to 100% WIC/foodstamps/school lunch utilization.


It will never happen. The government will continue to subsidize their reproduction. There are many parts of this state where more than 90% of births are paid for via Medicaid, with close to 100% WIC/foodstamps/school lunch utilization.


You just stepped in the final solution.

Scientists are saying the future is going to be far more futuristic than they originally predicted.


Let's see... if they listen to Hank III's daddy and watch Faux "News" (the Whites are their dream demographic) they will vote against their own self interest, get a white man back in the White House, and put an end to their entitlements.


Good point. Heh heh.

If your nose runs and your feet smell, you were built upside down.


I'm sure the race of our president really has something to do with all of this...


Just to clarify, Hank Jr did not call Obama "Hitler." From The Huffington Post:

He got right into it, telling the hosts that he didn't like any of the candidates in the GOP primary for President, and that John Boehner's golf game with Barack Obama was a major mistake.

"That would be like Hitler playing golf with Netanyahu. Not hardly. In the shape this country is in?"

Then when they asked him about it later:

Williams Jr. says, "Some of us have strong opinions and are often misunderstood. My analogy was extreme - but it was to make a point. I was simply trying to explain how stupid it seemed to me - how ludicrous that pairing was."

He continues, "They're polar opposites and it made no sense. They don't see eye-to-eye and never will. I have always respected the office of the President."
