The ending

I was hoping for about ten more minutes or so,, to give Loki time to find Dover (Hugh Jackman) and have him charged with torture, with the black couple charged as accessories, at least.


I don't think anymore was needed. He was clearly going to find him, and he would definitely be prosecuted for the kidnap and torture, and be imprisoned - Loki's relentless persona assures us that Dover will be found in short time, and Loki's prediction is enough to satisfy us about the consequences.

If there was no evidence of the other couple being involved, Dover wouldn't have given them up (I can't actually remember if the police knew about their involvement). If there was, they would be charged as accessories. Prison time or not? I don't think we really need to know. I'll speculate that the dad would do some time, but the wife would be spared prison for the sake of her kids, especially the traumatized youngest.

A very good ending, in my view.


Keller will spend time behind bars, but not nearly as much as someone who committed the same crime out of malevolence or sadism. The judge and prosecutor would empathise with his situation, while also realising he had to be punished, and he likely would have gotten something in the range of 3-7 years.
I seriously doubt he would have lost his family. They would understand why he did it, and would stand by him.

That's my logical conclusion.


A fair assessment. Though it would be weird between him and his family for the rest of his life I'm sure.
