Need to know what Dane says to Bradley...
In the severing the spinal cord scene what is it that Dane says at the very end?
I cannot understand that final statement no matter how many times I've replayed it. So, can someone please quell my curiosity as to what his final words were to Bradley.
Dane is saying that Bradley didn't pay attention to the class lesson about severing a spinal cord because he'd been "too busy devising ways to f^ck with him(Dane) and his friends"..
Dane then says, "Well guess what Brad, Guess what?" And that's where he trails off and I can't understand those last couple words..
Its at most, maybe 5 or 6 words, does anyone have the CC subtitles of what Dane says there, or are able to clearly understand his last words?
Thanks in advance to anyone who knows.