Serious Question: What to Do About Bullying?
I was one of the lucky ones in school in that I was never bullied. I don't know; I was not in any of the cliques, but seemed to have a few friends in all of them. For the most part, I just went to school, did my work, and went home. I was invisible without being weird about it. I think a big part of being bullied is they have to know that you care what they think about you and if you don't, they leave you alone. I may have also been in the last generation before things got bad as well.
Obviously, the answer is not for bullying victims to band together and torture bullies to death or mame and disfigure them. But what is? They don't seem willing to stop volunatarily. I watched the remake of Carrie in which the gym teacher told Carrie that after she graduated, she never had to see these people again. To just take it with a "thank you sir. May I have another attitude" can't be the answer. We can't just tell these kids that some day this will end and it's just part of life, so just suck it up until graduation. So, where is the happy medium?