MovieChat Forums > The Final (2011) Discussion > Serious Question: What to Do About Bully...

Serious Question: What to Do About Bullying?

I was one of the lucky ones in school in that I was never bullied. I don't know; I was not in any of the cliques, but seemed to have a few friends in all of them. For the most part, I just went to school, did my work, and went home. I was invisible without being weird about it. I think a big part of being bullied is they have to know that you care what they think about you and if you don't, they leave you alone. I may have also been in the last generation before things got bad as well.

Obviously, the answer is not for bullying victims to band together and torture bullies to death or mame and disfigure them. But what is? They don't seem willing to stop volunatarily. I watched the remake of Carrie in which the gym teacher told Carrie that after she graduated, she never had to see these people again. To just take it with a "thank you sir. May I have another attitude" can't be the answer. We can't just tell these kids that some day this will end and it's just part of life, so just suck it up until graduation. So, where is the happy medium?


Simple: report it. People will stop when they see their records ruined with disciplinary actions, ruining their chances of getting into a good college. If not on school grounds and something that constitutes a crime has been committed, press charges.

And so Governor Devlin, because even the cost of freedom can be too high, I REFUSE your pardon!


do what these kids do :)

I am Legion for we are many


this is probaply a little harsh but believe me it will work

if you ever get bullied you have to fight and the best is to bite of a ear or a part of the nose that sure are *beep* hurts but it doesnt kills and no one really no one who knows this will ever bully you again


schools don't give a damn about bullying. I was bullied by a@@hole punks and reporting didn't make a difference it just made it worse. When one kid gets detention for bullying his buddies will just gang up on you The only things that can be done is by :
1. Making it a legal matter where the parents can be sued if there is proof that bullying has occured.
2. Making it a criminal offense (assault)with stiff penalties.
3. Do what these kids did.

"Life didn't pass me by....IT SAT ON MY HEAD!!!!! - Al Bundy



But surely not everyone has your temperament, many would still be fearful of bullies and too afraid to stand up, also some bullies will just punch back and not get scared.



That's cool, I'm just saying that each bullying situation is unique and not all of them can be handled the same way.



Well, I guess I'm defending the Outcasts because nobody else will; I'm not saying what they did was the best way to handle things, but I don't think they should be labeled as the villains.



Well, I don't think I will ever see the Outcasts as villains; I see them as misunderstood individuals.



Aren't bullied students the victims? Or are you implying that they're simply crying too much?



No offense, but you make it sound so simple.



Ok fine, I'll concede to that point; the concept is simple, but that's not saying the execution will be or that it will even be possible in certain situations. I'm just pointing out that in some situations, there is no peaceful option and action must be taken though the preferred route here is to tell on the bullies and get them punished by the appropriate authorities. There are people out there who will bully no matter what you do and that's that.




I think the reason I'm shooting down that answer is because I want to defend the Outcasts; make no mistake, I'm not justifying what they did, but I don't think they're the villains you're making them out to be.



I'm not blinded by my sympathy, it's just that I don't change sides when the villains (aka bullies) become the victims; I will forever be against these people (unless they actually choose to change).



Yeah, I agree that what happened to the bullies may have been disproportionate to their crimes but the point I want to make is that sympathies toward them should be limited; they did have something coming, after all. Also as I said earlier, the true victims of these incidents (the ones who were attacked first, then retaliated) are often ignored in these situations simply because of what they have done; what they did was horrible, but it shouldn't negate everything they went through.



Really? Wow. I was personally never on either side of bullying, but this has got to be one of the more ignorant things I've ever seen written, though that was probably the point as is with most obvious trolling attempts. The only way for the "weak, pathetic" kids to fight those clearly larger than them in size and numbers is to use a weapon of sorts, and that's something that nobody wants to see it come to.

Respond as you wish, but I try to avoid over feeding trolls, so this will be the only meal you get from me. bon-appetite.


A true story: When I was in 10th grade, a freshman in high school at the time, now 9th grade is the freshman year here.

But when I was in 10th grade, a guy I knew to be in the 11th grade told me between classes that I was the freshman he was going to initiate. I told him to pick someone else and told him that he was simply not relevant to me, that I had a test next period and did not have time for him. He had this stunned, bewildered, look on his face, which turned to anger. He put his hand on my shoulder, telling me not to walk away from him.

I tunred and put my thumb in his eye. He grabbed his eye and screamed. I pushed him down and kicked him in the ribs.

I was looking around for a weapon, but could not find one. So, I just rushed him. If I could have gotten to him, it could have been punches, kicks, choking, fingers in eyes, or whatever. I was taught to never bully anyone, but if anybody else starts it, there was no such thing as a fair fight and you had to assume it was to the death.

Before I could get to him, though, a teacher stepped out of his classroom and grabbed me, stopping me, and saving the kid, maybe saving us both, him from the physical side and my parents and me from the legal side because I would not have let up on this kid.

Word got around. Nobody else chose me as their guy to initiate.


from Let The Right One In (essentially a film about bullying rather than vampires) - Hit them back harder


Here's what you do.

Stop using the euphemism "Bullying" and call it what it is: Assault and Battery.

Stop telling the teacher, and call the police, the same way you would if it were happening to an adult.

If the police won't do their jobs, then yes, go Castle Doctrine on the assailants.

People like to say that violence is never the answer.


Correctly focused violence is nearly always the answer.


I used to be bullied but then I smashed one of them over the head with a hockey stick during PE and wouldn't stop, got excluded but none of them came near me after

Charlie:- The Evil Dead (2013)


In my day it worked like this. Bully me my dad(uncle brother, cousin, whatever) punches you out. it worked.


I think the absolute #1 best thing anybody who is getting bullied can do is get over it. Realize that the world isn't like that. It's a beautiful place filled with so many more like minded people as you, you can't even imagine.

It's really tough love, but realize that you aren't the only person facing the same problems as you and that there are people that have it far worse than you. (A Monty Python reference from the Life of Brian comes to mind here - he gets thrown in jail and is complaining to a person who has been hanging upside down for years and everything he says, the guy who is hanging exclaims how much he wishes he was having that done to him than being hung like he was)


The problem is that teens think that their world is THE WORLD.

You got to pay the troll toll to get into this boy's hole



My post or chinstrap's?



I think you're in the wrong thread, I don't see anyone with that username here. :( Either way, using the [quote ][ /quote] tags can help avoid confusion. :)

EDIT: Ignore the spaces inside the boxes, they won't show up in text otherwise.



Actually, I think he edited that part in just now; I don't remember seeing it there originally.


What I'm saying is that their tiny grammar/highschool world is what they think the world is actually like. One boy really likes model airplanes, but nobody else at the school does. At his school, he's 'different' and 'weird' when the truth is there is a huge community of people just waiting to meet him out in THE world. Kind of like missing the forest for the trees?

And the whole problems thing is true no matter what. You aren't the only person ever to have gone through what you're going through, but somehow those people found a way to cope and you will too eventually.

If that's an ignorant argument, then I'm in pure bliss!

