One of the worst movies ever made from a technical point of view
They had an interesting (albeit a bit cliche) premise but it was just horribly executed and I think I could make a better movie in my basement with an iPhone and some ketchup for blood.
First there is the inconsistencies, we see the Vietnam vet killing the outcast tortures outside, then the scene cuts and the same outcast torturer is inside still carrying on. How did this make it past the editing room?
Then there is the horrible pacing. We get minimal build up into the bullying at the school. The one who they focus the most on is the Indian dude, yet he gets killed off first. Then the torturing scenes...they went slow, the special effects were bad, and overall it felt just pointless. Most of the movie was the kid with the gas mask making some speech. BORING.
Finally, the budget on this film must have been so low that they couldn't afford to use actual blanks for the guns, instead they are all fired off-screen (except for when the black dude escapes) and we only hear the bang. Then the final scene where the police storm the house...we actually don't even see the police. I wouldn't be surprised if that laser was one you buy at Petco for your cat to chase around.
This movie was awful. It should be removed from Netflix and existence and have all copies of it burnt. Also it deserves about a 1.5 on IMDb.
Don't be a hater, dear.