MovieChat Forums > The Final (2011) Discussion > United states is f**d up

United states is f**d up

By reading what people writes in this forums seems that the kind of bullying showed in the movie is usual in unites states??
is this right?

I mean, in every part of the world is at some degree some bullying, but from one same group of people to one same group of people, at this level of violence, for years!? with teachers or whatever doing nothing about it??
that´s NOT normal in most countries, maybe in germany un 1940 or something

No wonder the killing in the schools, I cant imagine how how the killings doesn´t happen daily


I think the bullying in this story was a bit more exaggerated than it would have been in real life; most movies do that to actually have a good plot.



This kind of things doesn't happen that much. When it does, it gets on the news. Columbine etc.


I don't about now but when I was in high school (graduated in 92)it wasn't anything like that. At most someone might corner someone else in a hallway and say something hurtful or whatever and there would be fist fights but that was it. I don't recall anything like some of the stories I hear now about out and out physical violence (other than the afformentioned fistfights which were mutal). I never recall anyone being beaten up or cut or stabbed or having personal property broken or anything like that. Still, in my school we didn't really have rich kids, everyone was pretty much even in that regard, there were basketball jocks but they were okay really. There were thugs but they mostly kept to themselves and the higher you got in high school the less of even the mild bullying you would see there was. It was really like a initiation into high school I guess.


I can speak for myself, who was born in and went to
school here in the US.
I was bullied to a degree, but most of it was from my peers.
like someone getting on to me about something I was wearing,
or my car, or because I was overweight, but If they were
a friend of mine, they would have gotten it right back,
all in fun.

but to what happens in this movie, and I have seen in many,
many other teen movies over the years, I
didnt see it. If it was there, It didn't happen to me, nor
did anybody that I know of either happen to them, nor
did they bully.
such as, there were teachers all the place, and
if somebody had thrown food across the lunchroom like
in this movie, they would have gotten detention instantly.

one thing I can say, if, IF I were treated like this,
and no one did anything over time, I would have retaliated,
most likely with a sucker punch to another kids face.
most of the time, when you stand up for yourself, a bully
goes for another, easier target.


When I was in my early teens, this kind of bullying was a common occurrence for me.

I remember walking home from school when a group of three kids pushed me to the ground and started kicking me. One of them grabbed a stick and starting hitting me across the back. After a few whacks, he then took the sharper end of the stick and attempted to stab me with it. It barely broke the skin but it still hurt.

Luckily, A women came to my rescue and got them to stop. This wasn't the only time they bullied me, but was probably one of the worst experiences from it. I finally fought back though, and that is when it stopped. I finally got taller than them and one day just used my fists.

While I may have dreaded the walk to and from school, I never considered harming anyone beyond a fist fight. When I hit middle school, one of the three boys I mentioned above attacked me in the hallway at school. He took his pen and stabbed me in the side of my abdomen. I thought it was interesting that because I fought back and he felt embarrassed by it, that it warranted stabbing me with his pen.

So to answer your question, yes bullying can escalate like this but I can only tell you about my experience with it. At the end of the day, there is absolutely no excuse to do what the bullied kids did in this movie. Everything changes after High School.....


Movies usually aren't very realistic. I don't know if the bullying is any worse in the US than anywhere else. I also don't know if it is really worse now--OR if there is just a lot more attention being paid to it these days.

You can't always generalize your personal experience. I never got bullied after the 9th grade. I also fought several bullies and even though I lost half the time, it caused them to lay off me a little bit. But is my experience typical and other people's unusual or vice versa? Who knows.

There's definitely more ON-LINE bullying these days. It was pretty hard to bully people back then with your Commodore 64 and dial-up modem!


WHOA... i am so sorry for you, am in that kind of bullying was really *beep* up. i have never seen something like that in my school or around people i know , maybe some rude words but nothing physical


Yes we are, and if I can please have your name and country of origin, I'll have the NSA discuss it with you.


The problem is that the kids in these schools are not taught how to properly handle bullies. My grandfather told a story of when his group of friends was being bullied in high school by another group. They did not cry, write blogs, become emo, threaten to sue, etc. They trained in fighting every day and challenged the other group to a 1v1 best fighter fight. My grandfather's fighter won and the bullying stopped.

I had a bully in grade school. Despite everyone telling me that "violence solves nothing" my parents told me straight up to beat that kid up as badly as I could. I did and nobody ever messed with me again.

These days if someone is bullied on facebook they jump off bridges. I hate to say it but it is just as well. If the person cannot handle name calling on the internet then it is best they off themselves sooner rather than later.


I stabbed the *beep* out of my best friend's back with a pencil in the third grade because he didn't kick the ball to me at recess.

I was a skinny dude with long hair from middle school on, and because of incidents like that, I was never bullied. :)


True. The bullying doesn't stop until you stand up for yourself. The day I got fed up and broke a bully's nose with my first, the bullying immediately stopped. Hell, I was even surprised I had it in myself as I was a rather laid-back quiet kind of kid. I wouldn't say I was really an outcast or a nerd, but just an anonymous face in the crowd in high school.

