Emily stole from Audition (spoilers!)
I saw this movie on the SyFy Channel last night, thought it was decent and wouldn't mind picking up the DVD. I'm a big horror fan and have seen a lot of the Asian horror films in the 2000s boom of them.
When Emily paralyzes Bernard and sticks the needles into him while saying, "deeper...deeper...", that's a scene straight out of the 1999 Takashi Miikie film Audition. There's a scene near the end where Asami paralyzes main character Aoyama and pushes needles into his chest, neck and face. The sub-titles translate her little chant to "deeper." Emily even wears a smock and long gloves identical to Asami's.
I see it as an homage and not a ripoff, but the scene stuck out to me when I saw it.