Katherine Rhumor

I really liked this show.However, one thing really niggled me. Once Katherine discovers that her life is in danger,especially after Bloom threatens her, she never thinks of hiring a team of bodyguards.She is not short of money, as her husband left her with a stack of cash.Why not pay for an badass A-Team for protection?Instead we see her hiding in her house with a kitchen knife!!!


She might not want to waste so much money on something that may not even be effective. How does she know that she can trust these security guards? Do you think it would be hard for Atlas to corrupt one of them/kill all of them/plant their own guys?

Having these bodyguards is not going to be "better than nothing" if she's going to be in more danger because of them, which I would say is highly probable.


Thank you for your response.All of your points are valid. However, with the money that KR had at her disposal, I'm sure she could get some half decent bodyguards or failing that, stock her home with an arsenal and state of the art alarm systems.
