
I haven't looked far enough back to see if anyone else has posted on this, but what seemed at the time to be just a another character development tidbit (namely that our Will's wife and child were killed in the WTC on 9/11), now has much more significance, as the major conspiracy of this show is that a group of powerful men make catastrophes happen for profit. What I'm saying, although not succinctly enough, is that Spangler and co. most likely orchestrated the events of 9/11, and basically killed Will's wife and kid.



I really doubt that the producers are going to go for 9/11 was a conspiracy. It's waay too controversial--though controversy usually results in higher ratings....who knows


Will's breakdown at the end of Ep.12 was, I thought, as much to do with him 'being too late' on 9/11 to meet up with his wife and child at the WTC and the gnawing feeling he probably has that he might have been able to somehow save them, as it did with his API group IDing Kateb but failing to locate him in time. The TV coverage brought back to Will that same horrible helplessness and despondency that he -- and the rest of us to perhaps lesser degrees -- experienced on 9/11.


Odd considering that this whole show is essentially an example of how a small group of men can CONSPIRE to do horrible things to 1000s of people for their own self interests; money and power. I also doubt they will directly imply that 9-11 was also orchestrated by those guys, but I wouldn't be surprised if Will starts to go there.. heck I think he's already there, as you said.. thats the point of having his family die in the attack.

"..and three shots disintegrates."


I also doubt they will directly imply that 9-11 was also orchestrated by those guys, but I wouldn't be surprised if Will starts to go there.. heck I think he's already there, as you said.. thats the point of having his family die in the attack.
Yeah -- but I think the show may not go there directly. This is a sore point with Americans, and it may be suicidal for the show to directly imply that 9/11 was an inside job.

This may be too volatile a subject to directly address on the show. They'll continue to let us come to that conclusion, but they won't go there directly.


Ahh but they have directly implied it....you must understand this


The nudging up against 9/11 CT is one of the aspects of the show I liked least about this show.

I somehow doubt that they would have gone into 9/11 CT territory on the show. It's one thing to have a character who had a loved one who died on 9/11. A number of shows and movies have done this (and IIRC Rescue Me had the aftermath of 9/11 as a heavy theme throughout the show). But to try and make a story off of the idea that a fictional character caused 9/11 is in bad taste.

"Unless Alpert's covered in bacon grease, I don't think Hugo can track anything."
