I can't figure out if you're a troll or if you just hated the show so much that you're offended when someone has a different opinion about it than you. Deal with it, man. It's just a god damn TV show. And it's not Homeboiz From Outer Space, either, it had mostly positive reception, so it's not like you can claim consensus objectivity on your own behalf.
Feel free to keep expressing your hatred. Doesn't bother me none. But stop being such a condescending prick about it. People can like the show as much as they want.
Anyways, I agree, the actors playing Spangler and Ingram brought some really strong originality to it. Especially Spangler's actor, who was consistently hilarious and tread an odd line of playing up his eccentricities while also playing up his subduedness. If that's a word. Really weird and always entertaining performance, from him. And man did his "I want to thank you" speeches ever give me the creeps.
I really do think one of them deserve the BSA nod. And I think any one episode has a good shot at Best Cinematography, but at the least deserves a nomination.
I find it qute amusing that the IMDB is awash with those who believe that anyone not liking the same show is full of "Hatred" and feel that they have to insult those people. However, I often forget that the IMDB is mostly full of schoolboys who have limited social skills. I stick to my opinion that the show is poorly acted and directed.You may like it, i dont!
Your post is quite baffling, considering the post you're replying to was one that pointed out to you that people can have whatever opinion they like. Including dislike. I was saying I can't figure out if you're a troll or not because you keep seeking out posts with anything positive to say about the show and replying in as condescending a manner as possible, chiding people like children for disagreeing with you. And you're the only one making ad hominem attacks here. Schoolchildren with poor social skills? Really now? I objected only to the way you thumb your nose at people on this board every time they express a differing stance on the show's quality to your own.
Quite hypocritical of you. Dislike it all you want, I'm just telling you to stop trying to discipline people with your infallible criticisms.