I know this is a late reply but I only found this show and watched it recently. I agree this scene was annoying and after reading your post I watched it again.
As someone else pointed out it was badly edited. The disc switches hands back and forth and then looks like it disappeared when she fell down.
There is an aerial camera shot just after she fully collapses and you can see something white a metre or two away from them. It could be the disc, it could just be rubbish, I cant make it out. Will squats with her for a while and people start to crowd around standing over the disc/rubbish, at this point I think he panicked and just wanted to get out of there. He would of had to push past people to get the disc.
Just my take on it, but the way the scene is edited more than likely they didn't think the scene through. Would of been better if she fell on it and broke it if they didn't want Will to take it.
Overall the show had me hooked and I had to keep watching but the end just seemed like a big anti-climax, they spent half the season chasing this terrorist and he gets to blow up the bomb anyway right as Will figures it all out. I know that wasn't the main point of the story but it still sucked. And as someone else mentioned on another post, the puzzles were kind of pointless.
I cant tell you directly as it will put you in danger but I can leave puzzles for you to solve and when you figure them out you will be in danger, but you solved a puzzle so it's ok....."They hide in plain sight", why didn't he supply the company name or name of some of the other guys. Would of made more sense.