MovieChat Forums > Rubicon (2010) Discussion > The DVD? WTF??? (Spoilers)

The DVD? WTF??? (Spoilers)

First off, I have to say I really like this show, but no scene in the entire show has bugged me so badly as the scene with Will and Katherine in the park.

He's not that far from her when she reaches into her purse and pulls out the DVD. She had told him that she "had something for him". He had to see that she had pulled something out of her purse.

And then she stands there for at least a full 5 seconds holding the DVD out in front of her in both hands. She's still holding it as Will walks up to her and she starts to go down, AND HE DOESN'T SEE IT???

ARE YOU KIDDING ME? He just walks away and leaves it laying on the ground?


I did'nt understand that too,he did'nt even look for it, but i do like the show alot


I wondered about that, too. However, there might be an alternate explanation. As Will gets close to her, he's briefly cut-off by a small crowd of people that conveniently happen to shuffle by between them. Afterwards, I could no longer see the DVD anywhere. Not in her hand, not in Will's, and not on the ground. I suppose it's possible a second operative was in the crowd and grabbed the disc.

You're right, it makes no sense that Will would not have picked it up before leaving, having obviously seen her attempting to present it to him. Perhaps that's why.


As I said in another thread, i'm pretty sure I saw the disc on the ground as he walked away. I haven't watched the episode again, so I can't be sure.


i'm pretty sure I saw the disc on the ground as he walked away.
Same here.

You can't patronize your captain! That's a sea law!


Since the camera didn't specifically show the DVD on the ground, I'm thinking Will has it. I'm more interested in the set-up. The DVD specifically sends her into the hands of someone not concerned with her death, or so it appears. So David is somehow involved in this spider web of deceit and half-truths.


The continuity in that scene is completely off.

After Clay Davis injects her with the poison. Sheeeit! Katherine takes the DVD out of her purse with her left hand, cuts to Will walking towards her, disc is now held in right hand by her side. Cuts back to Katherine front view, disc is back in her left hand ready to hand over.

Katherine, starts to feel the effect of the poison, Will is shown walking towards her concerned, disc is in her right hand by her side again. Final image of Katherine falling, both hands are empty. Nothing is in sight on the ground. The DVD wasn't shown dropping.

Poor editing, I don't think they had decided what to do or shoot both scenarios.

It's a shame as it's pivotal to the entire season, not some character taking a sip of coffee with the wrong hand. They messed up.


Thank you VERY MUCH for the Clay and sheeeit reference!


shhhheeeeeeiiiit, for a second i actually thought that his name was clay davis on this show then my brain said "oh yeah, The Wire." good one I think next year they should let him say shhheeeeiiit. They have let other characters say *beep* on the show I don't think it's fair that they would deprive him of that, he's too good a saying it for them to not let him have it. It could just be once and I'd be happy, make it be that last thing he says right before he gets killed.


lmao at Clay Davis stabbing Katherine.

You gonna talk to me about money laundering?! In West Baltimore?! SHHHIIIIIIEEETTTTTTTTTTT

You mustn’t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.


I have to agree; if there was a bad moment in the show then this scene is it.
Hopefully Will has the DVD, but still, it was executed very poorly.
I mean even if someone snatched the DVD from her in that moment, she was still his ally, and he just left her to die. He didn't even scream 911?!
Oh well... I guess it leaves the door open for season 2 to answer for it.


The writer of this episode was making crude "assumptions" regarding revealing the DVD story. Katherine sells her furniture from the apartment using an agent who mentions to Katherine that it was "unusual" to find a cheap item in the sale, the rose flower box. Katherine then discovers the letter upon breaking the box in frustration. Which leads searching for the "Meet Me In St. Louis" DVD. Even though she's afraid and paranoid she goes alone to the safe house where she meets Andy/Natalie, her "protector".
This all happens several months after Tom has died and after Katherine had packed up and moved from his "secret" apartment. Tom surely must have known that Katherine, the super sleuth, would find the box, letter and DVD at the most crucial of times!


> After Clay Davis injects her with the poison.

I don't think he injected her. I think those gloves he was wearing had some kind of contact poison on them. So he just had to touch her. She didn't feel anything, didn't realize anything was wrong until some time had passed and he was gone.


I thought it was a great choice, actually. I kept thinking "The dvd, take it, take it!". And then he didn't. Brilliant.
It goes against the audience's expectations and I love when shows do that.

But thinking again, I'm sure the image of him picking it up MUST have been shot, and then probably left on the editing room floor. It makes sense in the context and in the way the rest of the scene is edited.
It was probably planned as a way to end the season in a cliffhanger, with David giving new information that would be the base for season 2, and cut because the episode had to wrap up the plot, since season 2 is not a certainty.



You make a valid point.
The scene has obviously been butchered only because no one knows/knew whether there'll be a S2.
I wish they'd just ended with it a cliffhanger even if it gets axed, instead of making such 'crude cuts'.


> I thought it was a great choice, actually. I kept thinking "The dvd, take it, take it!". And then he didn't. Brilliant. It goes against the audience's expectations and I love when shows do that.

When what you're expecting is a cliche or a stereotype, then yes, it's great.

But, *not* when what the audience is expecting is *common sense*! I personally *hate it* when a character does something that's completely nonsensical.


I have to wonder whether this may factor into the second season of Rubicon (if there is a second season)...

Upon investigation of her death one could assume that such a DVD would be considered "evidence" and it could find its way to Will, you never know.

I agree, this was a very frustrating scene for me as well!


That scene really bugged me too!
Lmao @ the Clay Davis sheeeeeittt reference!


Yeah, it bugged me too, but also from the perspective that she had a "protector" with her that did nothing but lead her to the slaughter (unless that was her job).


I know this is a late reply but I only found this show and watched it recently. I agree this scene was annoying and after reading your post I watched it again.
As someone else pointed out it was badly edited. The disc switches hands back and forth and then looks like it disappeared when she fell down.
There is an aerial camera shot just after she fully collapses and you can see something white a metre or two away from them. It could be the disc, it could just be rubbish, I cant make it out. Will squats with her for a while and people start to crowd around standing over the disc/rubbish, at this point I think he panicked and just wanted to get out of there. He would of had to push past people to get the disc.

Just my take on it, but the way the scene is edited more than likely they didn't think the scene through. Would of been better if she fell on it and broke it if they didn't want Will to take it.

Overall the show had me hooked and I had to keep watching but the end just seemed like a big anti-climax, they spent half the season chasing this terrorist and he gets to blow up the bomb anyway right as Will figures it all out. I know that wasn't the main point of the story but it still sucked. And as someone else mentioned on another post, the puzzles were kind of pointless.
I cant tell you directly as it will put you in danger but I can leave puzzles for you to solve and when you figure them out you will be in danger, but you solved a puzzle so it's ok....."They hide in plain sight", why didn't he supply the company name or name of some of the other guys. Would of made more sense.
