MovieChat Forums > Rubicon (2010) Discussion > Just a few things that don't make sense ...

Just a few things that don't make sense about this show. [SPOILERS]

First off, I love this show. Best thing I've seen in a long time.

There's a few things I don't get, and I'm not sure if they didn't have time to flesh them out, or if it's just continuity errors.

1) If David was part of the secret cabal that guided global disasters and made millions off of them, why did he have to answer to Ingram who was not part of the cabal? He was a lower rank within API than Ingram, yet he was in a secret society with Truxton, the head of API.

2) How come some of the analysts have to lie to their families about what they do, but David's wife can come in and see his office, and Maggie can bring her daughter in?

3) Why did Ingram hook up Donald Bloom with Truxton and/or Mr. Roy? If he later claims to be Will's guardian angel and actively works against Truxton, Roy, and Bloom, what's his motivation to put them together in the first place?

Anyway, those three things bother me a bit, but not enough to sway my opinion that this show is brilliant TV. <- Check it out...


David wasn't part of the secret cabal....he had figured it out much like Will had done (but earlier and gotten himself in danger)...probably went asking Tom Rhumer about something and they both made the tape and got killed.

David's wife just came in to get his stuff after he was gone right? That's not so abnormal...I doubt they consider the child a security risk either

Donald Bloom worked for Truxton...he just previously knew they were lovers in the past....Will just happened to see Bloom meeting with Ingram.


2) David's Wife was signed in by Will and escorted by the security guard. I'm sure that all the classified documents were already removed from David's office by then.

Maggie was no longer working with Will by the time she had her child with her, perhaps she was working in a far less sensitive area of the building. Ingram also scolded her for it, and pretty much told to never let it happen again or else.

Working at API is no different than working at the CIA or the NSA. In fact, individuals at intelligence think-tanks may need to follow even stricter regulations about telling people what they do as they have constant access to the most recent data. Their families knew they were analysts. Grant's wife knew where he worked, but Grant could not really repeat that in a classroom on his son's career day. They could not say anything else, as is the case for all jobs with a TS clearance. FBI or ATF or DEA agents can't talk to their spouses about work and active investigations either.

3)Ingram, Bloom and Roy were all CIA at one point, with Ingram and Bloom having a relationship. At that time, they were all on the same side. Later, when Ingram and Bloom are having lunch, Ingram noticed that Bloom never cared about the US, and was simply a psychopath who actually enjoyed killing people in Beirut. On the other hand, Ingram viewed it as a formal order and followed it to the letter because he actually believed in the US constitution and the oath he gave. This time Bloom happened to put himself on the wrong side of that equation, and Ingram did not care that they may have had a relationship at one point in the past. Ingram's principles never got corrupted by API, and he always tried to do what was best for the US.
