The 1971 disappearances ...

So the New York detective had a crime board, with details of 50 or so disappearances (according to a newspaper headline), and we saw that 3 of them were from 1971, and one from 1997.


But what did all that have to do with the crimes portrayed in the movie.

And why did the detective mention that they were in a bayou which linked all the crime scenes. Was he just covering up his source in the phone company, or was he actually claiming to have discovered some clue from all his mapping?


Those cases are real. In the movie he meant that other bodies had been dumped around or near the same area. It was not to say they were all killed by the same person.

The movie was more about murders that were composites of past crimes rather than focusing on the actual past cases from the 70's. It was just to show that those types of disappearences had been happening for years. (The movie takes place in modern times. Not the past afteral)
