(possibly) gay?

About the motivation for divorce, i had a strange feeling that it was obvious in the beginning that the Sam Worthington character had discovered that he was gay. I think i saw that after some line from him or Chastain... but during the second half of the movie this kind of faded away, and i started to think i was just imagining (i saw this in september, don't really remember how it ends in that department).

Does anyone also had this impression?


Ehh, hell no!
They had resigned and did not manage among themselves...


I thought this too.

There were two instances in the film where it was hinted. Firstly, near the beginning where there was a comment from Ann when she got into the back of the car out of the rain -

Sam Worthington - "She still got all them boyfriends?"
Chloë Grace Moretz - "Ain't you the one with all the boyfriends?"

Then another from Sam Worthingtons character when he came into the office on a Sunday, out of nowhere he says -

"Is this new Pope the one that don't like fags?"

I thought his tone was questioning as it meant something to him.

Surprised nobody else seemed to pick up on this.


I agree. Sam Worthington's character was definitely meant to be gaye. Little Ann's remark would have no meaning or significance in the movie otherwise.


All that comment meant was that she knew how to take a dig at a macho (straight) guy.

If he was gay, he was obviously closeted and not particularly flaming. How would she even know?

