D.C. Stands For Disappointing Cinema
Where to start with something this bad? Honestly, what a crushing disappointment.
When developing a story about the bad guys being the "heroes" why do it this way? This clearly isn't a very logical story so the best approach is to make it interesting and somewhat believable. That was non- existent.
I honestly forgave the minimal character development because I thought the snippets of each person's background worked well enough. I also figured that the story would have told us more about each character's history, but that was also non-existent.
As the filth before my eyes progressed on screen, I thought of ways that could have made the characters a bit more identifiable and the story a bit more interesting.
First and foremost, remove the cut and dry approach and give the characters some life. Rather than dedicating two minutes or so to each character, show us how they were operating in their day to day affairs. Don't make some quick, cut montage that shows them captured and in prison. No one can identify with that and the audience has zero opportunities to attach themselves to anything and invest themselves in the story. Second, give the film a story. It's almost like Viola Davis' character walks into the office and says, "Ah suh dude, we're going to start putting the bad guys in charge of our government." Wait, what?! PRESENT THE CONCEPT TO THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT. HAVE IT TURNED DOWN FOR A LOT OF PLAUSIBLE REASONS. DO SOMETHING TO THE STORY TO MAKE THEM THE LAST AVAILABLE OPTION. PUT THEM TO THE TEST.
The film is literally the entire trailer. There is no purpose to it.
The Joker is the most underdeveloped character of this film. Deadshot (I hate Will Smith but he steals the show) and Harley Quinn are the two highlights. Couldn't they have made Killer Croc mute so that every time he opened his mouth sewer trash wouldn't come spewing out?
Why did they add that Native American criminal featured in the promotional material for a whopping one minute of screen time before killing him off?
Why did Joel Kinnaman use the corniest southern accent possible?
I'm pretty sure ELECTRO FROM THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2 (LOL) WAS BETTER THAN THESE VILLAINS. I LITERALLY burst out laughing when they showed doing some weird little voodoo dance to try to manipulate each character. SERIOUSLY WHO IS IN CHARGE OF THE EDITING? THE CGI WAS SO BAD WITH THE VILLAIN.
Instead of idiot fanboys petitioning for Rotten Tomatoes to be shut down, these people should be petitioning for David Ayer (who has made nothing worth mentioning) to never make a film again.
The DCEU is in real trouble.