That's it exactly. People here are overthinking things. Everything about Highsmith and Danson was an over the top mockery of all the ridiculous, unrealistic, action movie behavior we've seen so many times -- you know, loose cannon detectives who make their own rules; guns that never run out of ammo; "Billy Badass" attitudes and the attendant contempt for non-macho fellow officers; hero characters with "cool" classic cars; car chases that wreck whole city neighborhoods; and invulnerable characters who walk away from things that would leave any real person as dead as disco, and who get away with shenanigans that would get real cops sued, suspended, fired, and/or arrested.
The comedy comes from ratcheting all this stuff up to levels so absurd that suspension of disbelief is simply impossible, and then having the actors play it straight, not clown around and try to be funny. There's no significance to the characters' actions beyond that.