In the latest Smodcast (#143: Morrow's Sorrow) Kevin Smith talks about his future in the film industry, and makes a comment about an unnamed actor who didn't want to be on the set of Cop Out.
Well, my first instinct is Bruce Willis, but if you listen to smodcast a lot you'll know how much Smith rags on him and cracks jokes. So I am assuming he does not mean Bruce simply because the context did not match up for me.
I could be misreading his code here, but I'd like to hear other theories.
'Take a wild guess' does not contribute to a dialogue, by the way.
my first guess was Bruce Willis because he's used to doing bigger movies. But he doesn't come across as someone who would be an ass like that on the set. But I can't see Tracy Morgan being stuck up either, so it's hard to say. \ I found Smiths comments interesting also.
I'm surprised if it was Bruce Willis too cause they worked together in that Die Hard movie and I think Keven Smith said in one of his pod casts that Willis actually had the idea of working on a film that Smith would direct first and that the producers of Cop Out had to get Bruce's okay before they could sign Kevin on as the director.
Hey I was curious about it too and after a little research I found some interesting quotes:
I went in directing [Willis' character] David Addison from Moonlighting, and I wasn't the adult, the 38-year-old Kevin Smith who had made a bunch of movies, I was the 12-year-old who would lay on my parents couch and watch David Addison on Moonlighting on Tuesdays. And Bruce was smart enough and had dealt with that personality before to be like, "If you're like this the whole movie, we're not going to get anything worthwhile accomplished."
And then I found this
If this report is to be believed, director Kevin Smith had a hard time working with entitled pain-in-ass Bruce Willis. Nice-guy Smith put up with a lot of crap from Willis on the set of his film, A Couple of Dicks, allowing Willis to change scenes and boss people around. At the wrap party Smith is said to have made a toast to the cast and crew, thanking them all but excluding Willis by name, calling him an “F’ing dick”:
When the new Bruce Willis flick, “A Couple of Dicks,” wound up with a wrap party in New York, the only absent member of the cast and crew was Bruce himself - which surprised nobody because the star and director Kevin Smith had clashed nastily. An eyewitness says Bruce high-handedly made “creative” changes to every single one of his scenes, stomping on director Smith - who let him get away with it “because he’s Bruce Willis.” When Smith stood at the wrap party to make a toast, he bellowed: “I want to thank everyone who worked on the film, except for Bruce Willis… who is a F’ing Dick!” Everyone cheered wildly, waving their memento gifts - metallic water bottles featuring Bruce’s kisser with a big “X” drawn through it.
Which came from that site, and the big word there is of course allegedly but maybe there is some truth to these statements. Maybe Kevin smith was intimidated by Willis (Who wouldn't be though?!) and it led to a lot of creative diffrences/tension.
Anywhoo hope this shines some light on the question, hopefully someone can find something a little more concrete.
DarkPhoenix, what is your signature from? I know I just heard that in a movie trailer or something just a few days ago, and now it't killing me that I can't figure out where I heard it
Absolutely. I heard Alec Baldwin bigging him up in The Actor's Studio this afternoon but I'd no idea who Morgan was as I've never seen 30 Rock. By coincidence I watched half of Cop Out this evening and couldn't believe how bad one of the leads was, overacting and totally ruining what could have been a passable movie. So I came here to find out if anyone actually liked it and it looks about 50/50. I will watch the rest but I'm not really looking forward to it! Maybe Morgan is great in 30 Rock. I will check it out and see. But he's out of his depth here for sure. No wonder Willis is lacklustre. Cheers. Ca' canny now.
I read that Smith later responded that the entire story was fabricated and that there was no wrap party for Cop Out. This I believe is probably true considering he wouldn't intentionally commit career suicide by besmirching the name of a powerful star in a room full of people who work in movies. This is why he keeps not referring to said actor by name in his public appearances.
I don't know, I'm probably 60/40 on the guy being Willis, but what does it matter? I don't think Smith thinks Bruce is a jerk, it's just that he's difficult to work with when he's not 100 percent on board. Seeing how much of a passionate filmmaker Smith is, he would probably be irritated when he couldn't find the same boundless enthusiasm in his star. If you had made as many movies as Willis has, would you be super duper excited about showing up everyday to shoot Cop Out? Who knows, but the amount of effort the guy puts into his ridiculous Letterman appearances, I still have a little bit of doubt in my mind that this is who Smith is referring to. Could just as easily be any number of people on set, excluding Tracy Morgan, which he's said he loves repeatedly. And Sean William Scott, who he tried to get for Hit Somebody. I still haven't seen the movie yet, so I can't make the judgment myself.
The latest Hollywood BabbleOn was especially telling. Somebody wrote in pantomiming a hypothetical conversation between Ralph Garmin and Smith in which he was describing their catchphrase "Give that penis a sandwich."
"For example, Ralph would say 'Isn't that Bruce WIllis a great actor?' and Kevin would say 'Totally, give that penis a sandwich.'" They both followed up that letter by saying that "That conversation would NEVER happen." Ooo, gossip!