100 Things I learned from Cop Out
This movie was truly horrible... only reason I sat through it was because I was in an airplane.
1. Police brutality is not only common practice but expected of cops who wants to play the bad cop.
2. 2 cops are more than enough when trying to pull a sting operation.
3. It makes perfect sense to be outside of the store in a huge costume. Never mind that you can just pretend to be a customer and actually BE in the store.
4. It is perfectly normal to have a shoot out with a suspect when there are innocent by-standers around.
5. Another ugly man somehow lands a beautiful wife, who loves him for his sense of humor even though he clearly doesn't know the meaning of the word humor.
6. Somehow, a person who is so completely unaware of his surroundings can make detective (baseball card store.) Also, a person with a two digit IQ somehow also qualifies to be a detective.
7. Being suspended from the force doesn't stop you from booking a perp.
8. That car you have in the garage? Don't bother looking in the trunk even though there is a live woman locked inside who is perfectly capable of kicking and making noise.
9. You drive a SUV into a 6 feet deep hole, your momentum somehow carries you through the car window at a physically impossible angle.
10. Again, suspended from the force, you are somehow able to get a perp out of the holding cell.
11. You are a cop, you asked a criminal to break into a house to steal something, the criminal dies while trying to break in. Just hide the body in your own car, nothing will happen.
12. A beautiful woman will fall in love with you even though you don't speak the same language, even though you act like an over-weight 12 year old boy.
Honestly, this is by far the worst movie I've seen in a long time. If I were Bruce Willis' character, I would've shot Tracey Morgan about 3 weeks into the partnership. Morgan's character is obviously immature and mentally challenged. Anyway, please carry on the list.