

So you can easily see that she is not running from anyone or that there is some paranormal activity. Its like she is playing, she was jumping and hiding like a child. Now we know that is because of her condiotion.

But internet guys made whole story about this case for nothing. It was very tragic and unsettling but she was sucidal and i think she killed herself by accident she was playing and try to hide in tank, and then release that she cant get out. And that is it. YouTubers made few people lifes misrable for nothing and didnt even apologize.

Internet is so cruel it can destroy your life in 2 seconds without any proof, they only need to see that you are different from them....
. .


Yeah, everyone saying those things sounded so naive thinking up all these elaborate, preternatural theories. Very cruel to make flimsy accusations and ruin peoples lives too. They were off by a year placing that musician in the hotel. Shows you how much rubbish gets passed off as information on the internet.

Common sense tells you the second you see that tape that she was either tripping on hallucinogenics or suffering a mental breakdown, or both. These theories are plausible. She was prescribed five psychiatric drugs and had a history of not taking them. Street drugs were readily available near the hotel. She was in her own fantasy world that day and probably thought the water tanks were an indoor pool.


Agreed! I totally understand that it’s easy to get caught up in a mystery, but these Internet sleuths just came off as annoying and utterly pathetic to me. The way they used her murder on their YouTube channels for views, they way they giggled with nervousness and excitement when they were at the hotel filming themselves looking for her room and the elevator. Always ignoring the evidence and immediately jumping to conspiracies.

I can’t pinpoint why these people that went to the hotel and filmed themselves annoyed me so much. Maybe it was them acting like they were entitled to her personal death information and acting pissy to hotel staff that asked them to stop filming. The internet “community” that were obsessed with her like some kind of movement reminded me of people that just like the rush of being involved in a movement. People that love filming themselves approaching the homeless and giving them money but would freak out if they were approached by them alone without a camera.

I will say the manager gave off a weird vibe but it was more like an I’m not much of a people person vibe LOL
