So whats the moral or point of this? I dont get it.
Theres a guy. He's fat. In simple cat terms, he's ultrachonker. He teaches students how to write, supposedly. He didn't really say anything useful about writing. But anyway.
He works. And he's fat. And I think 300 kilo humans can still walk but don't quote me on it. Also he has a weak heart so maybe that's why he can't. Ok he can't. And umm he doesn't spend the money because it's for his daughter.
And he hadn't seen the daughter for about 10 years. Even when he wasn't fat, he didn't visit her. He didn't even know they moved, despite talking to the mother. And the mother also didn't stop him from visiting her. But he's still saving up money for her. He could probably make more money for her if he wasn't also about to eat himself to death.
There's this christian guy who's completely useless for the plot. And the asian woman who also doesn't add much to the plot exactly but she's nice. And the pizza delivery guy who also adds nothing to the plot. Hm I'm beginning to see a pattern here.
And then he starts flying and dies.
Is he just the ultimate abusive asshole? How much is his daughter going to enjoy this money? Did he help anyone? Probably his writing lessons were crap and the daughter will probably just overdose on drugs anyway the way she acted, and the mother, well I dont know anything about her after watching the movie.
Am I missing something?