MovieChat Forums > The Whale (2022) Discussion > Did he put on weight for this Aronofsky ...

Did he put on weight for this Aronofsky vehicle or was it a fat suit?

Topic says it all, Im curious


He wore a fat suit. It's in several articles about the movie that you can google if you want to read more about it.


Isn't the OP free to ask such a question on here, an actual movie discussion website?


I never said he/she couldn't. I simply said if the OP would like to read more about it there are a lot of articles about it. Calm down.


...if the OP would like to read more about it.

Calm down, eh?

What additional information could the OP read "about it" which wouldn't be covered in the topic, which said it all?


He put on some weight, but also wore a fat suit. It would've been dangerous for his health if he put on all that weight naturally


*Christian Bale has entered the chat*


Careful, you'll upset the body positivity folks.
