I saw this was highly rated and the synopsis sounded interesting. I think I'm fairly intelligent and have watched many movies, some that are quite deep and/or artsy but... What the hell was this?
Can someone explain it to me so I can get something out of it and not feel like a fool for wasting an hour and half hoping this was going to have a good twist. As the movie went on I was expecting the ending to be more and more twisted.
I suppose this is one of those films that is supposed to be odd and somehow shocking and that is it's purpose; to make the viewer uneasy and question things. However the only thing I'm questioning is why I watched this. Ugh!
I thought that perhaps the parents offed themselves following the anniversary and they were going to leave the kids alone to fend for themselves and perhaps the kids would wander out to some big reveal.
I was wondering if what they were drinking was going to be something gross and not at all orange juice. I mean they showed them drinking enough of it.
This movie is about manufacturing social order. It's about dictatorship. It's about propaganda. It's about how we perceive the world and ourselves through symbols and interactions. Is reality what you know or what you believe or something else? It is greek version of Matrix.
Thank you. I got that but I like how succinctly you put it. I suppose maybe the way it was presented didn't strike me as interesting. Maybe it's a cultural thing.
Nicely put. Also about self-delusion, I think. Like the government of Greece, perhaps, vs "the people," the couple pretends they care about their kids when in fact they are aligned against them; the couple imagines themselves as a romantic partnership when in fact the husband is a cold dictator and a vicious brute.
I viewed their drinking of orange juice as just another healthy thing they are encouraged to do...you know how their parents are actually obsessed with having healthy and innocent children (in their minds).
What have you watched, you ask? Well, an allegory for the current system of control that we're all living in, is what you watched.
Let me try to explain. (It's a long post, but please bear with me 'till the end.)
When you see the parents as a government entity, and the children as citizens, a whole lot should become clear rather quickly.
We, as citizens of any western nation or country, are being kept under control by our governments through the use of lies, propaganda, and a ton of fear. Combined with the fact that we're being kept ignorant of the outside world.
Due to what we're being told and shown by our media, we think that we have a clear understanding of what goes on around us and what's happening in the world - just like these kids have been given an image of what the world is like outside of their home.
But none of that is information that we have actually experienced or researched for ourselves - just like these kids have never actually left their home to experience the outside world for themselves.
Rather, it's information we've been given by others. By higher authorities. Authorities whom we've been made to believe will never lie to us, and we therefore trust them to always tell us the truth and nothing but the truth - Just like these children have been indoctrinated to always believe what their parents tell them. They therefore see no reason to ever doubt them.
Whereas what they're actually being told are nothing but lies. Lies designed by their parents to maintain absolute control over them. To prevent them from thinking for themselves. To prevent them from one day venturing out of this enclosed environment - out of their parents' control. And above all; to prevent them from becoming independent individuals capable of critical thinking and problem-solving. Capable of surviving on their own, without requiring the aid of a higher authority.
Also, the children are being confronted with 'problems' that - as only we, the audience, get to see - have been created by their own parents (the fishes in the swimming pool springs to mind). Yet who do they turn to to solve these problems? The very ones who've created them: their parents. All the while the children remain none the wiser regarding the root cause of the problem. Further amplifying their belief that they are inable to solve problems on their own, and that they need their parents (the system of control) in order to survive. She never once asked how the "problem" occured, how the fishes actually got into the swimming pool, and how she could prevent it from happening again. No, she just wanted it solved.
Exactly as how we are being confronted with "problems" that have been created by our own masters (let's pick ISIS as an example, as it's a contemporary issue. I know most of you will probably refuse to believe this, but there's an abundance of evidence available that proves the US Government created and funded them during the Cold War - you just have to do your own research instead of expecting FOX News to inform you of it). Yet who do we turn to to solve this problem? The very same government that has created it in the first place. Do we ask questions regarding the cause of this problem? No, we just want to see it solved.
I realize that many of you will probably find it difficult to accept this, or will just straight out refuse to accept it. I understand that. But if you could just try to set your emotions aside for a second, and really think about it. Just think about how we live our lives. How do we, generally speaking, attain information about the world we live in?
That's right. We let ourselves be told by higher authorities what the outside world is like, what things are, and how they work. We let ourselves be told what to believe, what to think, and what to feel. After all, that's the path of least resistance. The path that requires the least amount of effort.
How many of us really spend our time going out to experience the different aspects of our human lives on this planet for ourselves? How many of us really spend our time researching things, reading books, gathering information from various different sources out of which we can then draw our own conclusions as to why something really happened or how something really works?
Unfortunately, very few. Which is probably why many of you will not want to accept my previous comment on ISIS, and why many will find it hard to see the reality of our current existence and therefore would rather just deny it as that is easier on the mind.
Because, what dó we do? How dó we spend our time?
We spend our time working for a higher authority all day, making them rich, while we go home with a minimum amount of money of which the majority will have to be given back to yet another higher authority. And the little spare time we have left we spend by laying on the couch, watching nonsensical television programs for hours on end, binge watching shows on Netflix, watching movies, or playing videogames.
Yet we're all still absolutely convinced we have a good understanding of how the world works by watching the "news" for half an hour a day. Because we've somehow been programmed to believe that these people who tell us these things would never lie to us.
...I think that in the back of our minds we all know that they do from time to time.
Since this is a very late reply, and you've already had the painfully obvious allegory over-explained to you, I won't insult your intelligence with that. I'll just sum up: Basically it's a lot like Brazil (1985) or Dark City (1998), except that those movies were good. This one mixes in elements from Flowers in the Attic (2014), making the parental authority literal and opining that incest is inevitable without other sexual options, and it is not good.
"They look sweet, but they're full of farts. Just like the kids!"
It didn't conform to your perception of reality and that is why you were confused. Some will realize this and appreciate this movie, while others will just look at it as an oddity that has no value. You claim to like art, but I guess it is more of the pastoral kind that doesn't challenge you.