Definitely a misleading trailer

I expected a zombie/action movie since that's all they showed in the trailer. Instead I get some drama/love story that I didn't care to see.

But I can see why it was advertised as a action movie. They knew the majority didn't care to see a boring british love story. Since zombie is the in thing, they decided to capitalize on it by being deceptive and tricking people into seeing this boring crap.

Well played.


You have never heard of Pride and Prejudice? You might want to Google it.


This Cracked youtube clip talks about the misleading trailer.

I can understand why you would feel mislead by that american trailer and personally I think it was a bit insulting to the American audience.
I disagree that there was not a market for this. Twilight was much sissier, and for that matter more wooden as well. I think they would have found a far more appropriate audience if they had simply used the international trailer.


Thanks for that interesting clip.

I disagree that there was not a market for this.
You're probably right, but Hollywood decided to disagree with you and make it a zombie trailer.


They didnt know who the audience for this was. They really didnt capitalize on the twilight fan base.

Instead of showing the action they should have pushed the romance harder.
