Question for those who found it predictable [Spoilers]
At what point or scene did you guess the twist? Just curious..
shareAt what point or scene did you guess the twist? Just curious..
shareAbout 15-20 minutes in, I took one look at the room full of mentalists and something clicked. The film was far to by the numbers.
Why quote other people when I like the sound of my own voice?
I would agree and say about 20 mins into the film. There were far to many things which just would not happen, even in 1966. Plus I just had the film identity playing in my mind the whole way through and it was obvious that the ward was based on the same idea. Split personalities.
shareBollocks. I'm sure they didn't guess, especially not 20 mins in, maybe they read about it beforehand or had heard the similarity with Identity.
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Its not bollocks, if you've already seen films like Identity and Shutter Island. As soon as she entered the Asylum, and there were shots of the little girl tied up, I realised this was one of those so-called psychological thrillers, with a cop-out ending, and everything I have just wasted time watching didn't actually happen...
total bull!
Exactly! The difference is that those two are top notch movies.
Identity crossed my mind while I was watching this one and I wished I was re-watching it than seeing this forgettable movie. :|
I for sure didn't catch it at all.
Right to the very end I was under the impression that the doctor
was conducting some kind of sinister mind control experiment on the girls.
Even at the end when the doctor told Kristen the truth about her identity I
thought he was merely lying in order to decieve and confuse her.
It was probably just as well I thought that, otherwise if I had known what
the ending was going to be I wouldn't have watched the entire movie.
And the ending was a real bummer or a dissapointment.
Otherwise I found the movie entertaining all the way through.
It certainly wasn't boring.
Why did the chicken cross the road?
Answer: To get away from Col.Sanders.
I didn't catch it either, and when she found the list of personalities, I said "what?!"
It completely surprised me.
"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"
When Iris died. Anyway, that scene pretty much cheats the audience. I thought: "Ok, or none cares about making sense, or the death wasn't real", and then I thought about the multiple personalities plot.
But even if that was a nice concept, I don't think it was well developed. The ghost story as a metaphor of her inner fight was cheap.
yeah, that whole scene is so unrealistic in a mental ward scenario. People can't just disappear or get kidnapped by other patients and people wont know. Well they showed that the doctor did know, but nobody looked for her, and they just packed up her room instead. That didn't make any sense.
I agree that the inner ghost metaphor was a terrible visual message. She kept popping out of nowhere, again and again, and again. It was so repetitive, and lost it's spunk by the 4th jump scare. And why is Alice so violent to herself? You don't hear many rape victims getting MPD and then going on a murder spree. How many revenge ghost films don't have a friggin ghost and the ghost turns out to be the protagonist? It was such a mess of a film.
Fairly early in the film, I suspected everything might just have been Amber’s imagination. If the murders were real, then almost every staff in the hospital had to be in a colossal conspiracy, since it appeared that no one among the staff seemed to care or even talked about the murders, and the police did not come to investigate either. However, I wasn’t completely sure, since there had in fact been several films in which murders actually took place in a mental institution – Boogeyman 2 being one example.
But the movie was very “predictable” in another (and different) sense. I was certain that no matter what contrived resolution (or “explanation”) the film managed to arrive at the end, all the girls other than Amber were going to be killed off one by one until she was the “final girl”. Equally predictable was the obligatory “the killer is not dead” type final scare or “twist” at the end.
The ONLY thing I called was when "Kristen" came out the mirror. I seen that coming a mile away. It was like when Jason jumped out of the water at the end of Friday the 13th. You can't have a "happy ending" in a horror movie!
Every person that served can be called a veteran, but not every veteran can be called a Marine.
My boyfriend had guessed that the doctors were doing experiments whereas I assumed the other girls weren't real. I didn't think they were a part of her, but I knew they didn't exist. A bunch of hot girls were odd enough but I just figured a crappy unrealistic director did that. Nothing really led me to believe it except for the fact that almost every goddamn movie does it now, especially mental related ones...I knew they were going in that direction though when that other girl vanished in the morgue and she pulled that whole oh I got caught thing... and no, I didn't read about this movie prior. I never even heard of it. It was on Netflix and we were bored.
shareMost of the time, I don't really analyze movies too much as I'm watching, but my wife and I both found it odd early on that there were just a handful of girls who didn't appear to match the time. So we were kinda distracted by that. And I was thinking more of a setting like American Horror Story: Asylum, with experiments and such. But she thought of Identity pretty early on realizing the different personality types of the girls, especially including the "baby" personality.
shareI'll be honest & say I had no idea about the twist until they revealed it. Then again I had never seen Identity before (I have since) & it had been a really really long time since I had seen shutter island. But I'm glad because I really enjoyed it (I'm a sucker for Amber Heard)
shareI suspected that the film might be about multiple personality disorder before I even saw it. After all, the synopsis mentioned a troubled young woman and strange goings on in a mental institution. There was a 99% chance it was all going to be the figment of one of the characters' imaginations. It feels like there are more films nowadays with that ending than not.
I would have enjoyed the film a lot more if they had faked us into thinking that it was mental illness... and then the paranormal aspect did turn out to be real after all. I was sitting there the whole time in the theater thinking "Please don't let the ending be what I think it's going to be... come on, John, surprise me." As it stands, the film is slightly above average. Hopefully Carpenter's next director gig will be for a more adventurous, less cliched film.
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Me too actually. I'll give it that much credit. Although if I remember correctly, the girl who was the "real" personality was also the ghost in the fantasy world. So in the surprise ending she was really attacking herself. Kind of sloppy.
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