
The best thing about this film was her.

Therefore we may call that art true at which does not seem to be art."


Jesus, really? I fell asleep maybe twenty minutes into it, and I was already fed up with her hammy over-acting and really hoping she'd disappear or die soon.

If gawdawful Gummer's the best thing in this, I definitely won't bother going back to finish it. Thanks!

Do not mock a love-smitten mouse.


Ha,it was definitely a snoozer but ms gummer kept it interesting.

My mother would show up on time and know all her lines but who wants to pay to see my mother?


The film isn't why I fell asleep, I was just tired. But Gummer's acting was seriously getting on my nerves, she's just very soapy to me. I haven't liked her in television guest spots, either, so I wasn't surprised; just hoped there'd be less of her later in the movie. Or, you know, none.

I don't know, in truth, I'll probably finish it anyway. Who knows, maybe she'll change my mind!

Do not mock a love-smitten mouse.


I'm not saying its a great movie by any means, but don't worry: she was the worst part of it, not the best.


I liked all the performances but Heard, Leigh and Gummer were the standouts.

I wish you were the one
Wish you were the one that got away...

-The Civil Wars


"Boom boom, ain't it great to be crazy?" :3


"She will remember your heart when men are fairy tales in storybooks written by rabbits"


She was playing a caricature of her mother.

By Grabthar's Hammer...what a savings.


She's hot in a very strange way :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
