Episode 5

Starting to tie it in with the wider universe now, didn't mind it at all.


Also I was pretty stoked to see the Naboo Starfighter. Interesting how they got rid of the droid port for something that a creature of small stature could fit in.... πŸ˜€


I enjoyed it but I still consider Chapter 2 as the highlight of the season so far.

Part of the reason why I probably enjoyed Chapter 5 was because it wasn't really a Boba Fett episode (Disney screwed that up), it was a 'hidden' Mandalorian episode.

Lots of time was wasted assembling the ship though.

The first half of the episode was very entertaining-engaging.

The worst part for me was besides a lot of time wasted repairing the Starfighter... was the X-Wings scene, I doubt they would patrol like that, it was an attempt of some humor but felt out of place to me.


The X-Wings were acceptable to me as protection for the commercial liner.

The new republic would need to maintain income streams (that it can tax) & convince the public at large that it can protect them

It's a bit suspicious that the same guy patrolling Tatooine would have been on Navarro the same time as Mando, but who knows how far those worlds are, or even how common traffic between them is

I agree a lot of time was spent on the ship, but presumably F&F want the audience to accept it as another character, so they spent the time "developing" it. It also pays homage to Lucas's own vision, where personal ships like the Falcon are like beloved hotrods to their owners, always under repair and being tuned up


I loved that the Armourer appeared and the other Mandalorian, plus Mandalore. Amy Sedaris is hilarious. I didn't mind the building of the new starfighter. Seeing Jawas again was great.


Top 2 episodes (imdb)
Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian 9.5*
Chapter 2: The Tribes of Tatooine 8.3*
