MovieChat Forums > The Book of Boba Fett (2021) Discussion > Seriously Morrison, Sand People are Maor...

Seriously Morrison, Sand People are Maori now?

I know he's big on pushing Maori culture but they probably should have invented an alien one instead...

Language I'm cool with but the actual Maori staff and stuff was a bit cringe.

But on the diversity scale I guess it's pretty low - aye bro?

EDIT to clarify that I like this show so far, just an observation.


It's fine, stop whining. It fits perfectly into the canon mythos. Stop comparing Jon Favreau to Jar Jar Abrams or Rian Johnson shows that are the true woke stuff. Mando and Book Bobba feel like true Star Wars.


Mandalorian did, at least he was a NEW character, plus he had that wonderful Baby Yoda ward that everyone loved.

But Boba Fett, as well as his father, is a FUCKING LOSER! They may well big themselves up to be something major, but both of them went down like sacks of spuds. I actually prefer to think of Boba still being consumed and tortured by the Sarlacc, to be honest. IMHO, NOTHING can escape the Sarlacc, and don't point me to non-movie stuff.


Gaffi sticks have been around since the first movie.

Jedi are knights, that bother you too?

This is a weird complaint. Everything is inspired by something, Star Wars is no different. What is it specifically that bothers you, that it's not from white culture?


Gaffi sticks have been around since the first movie.

Yeah, that Sand person who attacked Luke had one. It actually impresses me how much attention to detail (even small stuff) the show has gone in to.


I don't get the OP at all. Gaffi sticks are as old as the franchise. He's upset they are Maori? Like, what?


I don't have any problems with Maori in the real world lol


Here is a Tusken Raider, attacking Luke Skywalker with the same sort of stick, in 1977.

Only a fucking noob would freak out about seeing the same sort of stick again.


He appears to be upset because they drew inspiration from a non-European culture.


Let's not tell him about the costume designer in "The Phantom Menaces" copying traditional Mongolian headdresses for the Queen of Naboo, then!


How the fuck is someone a fan of something that takes place across galaxies complain about diversity? 😆😄🤣


There's plenty of diversity in SW that's been influenced by cultures but not really direct copies or cultural inserts.

Sure they used inspiration for the gaffi sticks from actual Polynesian ones, because they look cool, but never the cultural heritage behind them before.

They fell short of doing an actual haka lol.


You're getting trashed for this post and rightly so.


For finding such things immersion breaking?

It's weird how you care more about this thread than I do.


Yes clearly the original props were inspired by Polynesian ones but now we get to see that the cultural aspects of them are a direct translation from the non-fiction world.... Morrison is notorious for pushing this stuff when it should remain fictional - there are literally no other analogues between Maori and Tuskens.

But like I said on the diversity scale it is low.


You really had to look hard to find a reason to be offended by this show, but by golly you came up with something! What dedication!

Yes, I'm being sarcastic. You're watching a show starring a Maori and are OUTRAGED that there are hints of something Maori in it.


Who's outraged? Is everything in your world that polarised?

All the actors are from somewhere, I dont remember obi wan ever playing the bagpipes for example ... Then again his series is still to come.

Im not offended I just think this aspect of the Tuakens is a bit cringey.

I actually like the show a lot.


In addition to what everyone else has said, 16 min 20 sec into A New Hope the Jawa traders who capture C3P0 and R2-D2 are literally using words from the Zulu language from South Africa, just sped up and pitch shifted. That's another example of nonfiction reality making its way into the Star Wars universe. Your complaint is silly.


Widely known, I remember learning that as a kid. Perhaps those that understand it may have found it immersion breaking to a degree too?

I think the issue here is that people are seeing a small criticism and are considering it outrage? Lol - I actually still really like the show.


I know Zulu and I chuckled a little for a few seconds when I first saw the scene, then got right back into the movie. It was no big deal. 😊


That's cool.


You have it backwards! The events in the Star Wars galaxy happened a long time ago. So if anything, Earth cultures are stealing from Star Wars.


Ahh yes I see.


Oh....(!)....FUCK OFF!!!!
