How did this movie get made?

While watching this tonight, I kept wondering why Bruce Willis is in this and why he's playing second banana to Henry Cavill? Willis needs to sit down with his agent and have a talk.

Cavill's running around the city for no rhyme or reason other than to have redundant action sequence after sequence. The dialogue was just so on the nose and laughable that you could hear some snickers when Cavill would make Captain obvious comments....literally describing what just happened to him. And, it felt like some b-movie director that's trying to recycle action cliches.


Bruce Willis, Sigourney Weaver and Henry Cavill decided they wanted a paid vacation in Spain, so their people put this project together to make that happen.

Jules Winnfield: "I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"


It really showed. Though, Bruce is actually charimsatic, but he didn't really have good lines to recite...the script had him portray an inconsistent character.


His character was inconsistent because that's his nature.

He's living a series of lies. He's pretending to be a cultural attache while working for the CIA. He's pretending to be the faithful husband and involved father of two who was unfaithful and had a kid out of wedlock. He's pursuing a traitor.

He's riddled with inconsistencies.

Acting isn't about just reciting great lines. Dialogue is script driven. Great acting is about protraying a range of emotions and feelings.

Jules Winnfield: "I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"
