MovieChat Forums > The Cold Light of Day (2012) Discussion > Why didn't this film get more promtion/m...

Why didn't this film get more promtion/marketing/pu blicity??

No wonder it didn't do very well, I suspect a lot of people didn't even know about it!!


It was SUPPOSED to be released way back in April. But the studio for some reason dumped it in September. Hell, it wasn't even supposed to get a wide release. That was a last minute change, too. The studio simply had no idea what the hell they wanted to do with this movie.

I'm sure they knew it was another standard, generic, mediocre action flick. It's not like they would lose a lot of money on it, either because the budget wasn't that high. So throughout the whole process, they probably just said "What the hell.. Why not?" and threw their hands up in the air.

It's pathetic, really. Even if the movie flat out sucked (which it didn't but it certainly wasn't "good"), they still could have made a marginal profit off of it if they actually TRIED to promote it. The film had one measly trailer 2 months before its supposed release back in April and that was it. April came, they switched the date to September only a few weeks before it was going to get released, and this is what they get for it.

I doubt they care much but still. Such a pathetically marketed movie shouldn't even get released in theaters at all. Make it a primetime TV movie, send it to DVD, whatever. They could have at least made somewhat of a profit off of that. But this... Never in a million years.

How does it feel to be deconstructed?


But the studio for some reason dumped it in September. Hell, it wasn't even supposed to get a wide release. That was a last minute change, too. The studio simply had no idea what the hell they wanted to do with this movie.

There was a good reason for their actions. Test audiences didn't like it, and it was a lot of them with their thumbs down.

In the end it came down to why throw out good money after bad.


Well, that clearly didn't work out. Because they still gave the movie a wide release. So much for a "good reason".

How does it feel to be deconstructed?

