Willis what a whore....

What a total paycheck role. Must have been so hard to hang in Spain. Work a couple days and that's it. Kinda hurts his rep a bit in my opinion. Gone are defiantly the days of fifty million paycheck Armageddon Bruce. Sad....


Totally agree with you, and actually both Bruce Willis and Robert De Niro have been epic paycheck w hores....
they've recently been in movies with 50 cent!!!! 50 CENT!!OMG

Stop reading my fvcking signature


Bruce Willis and Val Kilmer; both former big time actors now a shell of their former selves.

Bruce Willis still has some clout as a movie star but he sure loves slumming in straight to video movies.


Willis seems to be making some poor choices, he is still an A lister.

Its that man again!!


Nobody in this movie has anything to be proud of, it took me three days to get through the DVD as I could only take a half hour at a time. Cuba Gooding Jr laughed at these performances...
