Why all the hate?

This was NOT a terrible movie. Yeah, the story was a little contrived. And they never did reveal what was in the briefcase(Maybe it was Marsellus Wallace's soul).

But there wasn't a boring minute once the action started Exactly 22 minutes in. It was actually pretty exciting. Plus the locales were beautiful.

Definitely better than the 4.9 rating. I give it in the low sevens. I've seen worse, MUCH worse.


7 was my rating as well.

come to my madness: www.marillion.com


There was bad direction and writing. False advertising of one of the stunts. Henry Cavill seemed really lost in this film.


I really struggled how to rate this movie. I ended up on 5 but may still change it to a 4 rating after pondering it for a while.

I liked the storyline - a little far fetched maybe, but I liked it. There were parts that made me think - I can rate this a 6 or 7... but then bad lighting or stupid camera angle would wreck it all.

Acting was sub-par, cinematography was horrible, special affects were lacking and final posting was amateurish. On all these, I would struggle to give it a 3 rating.



I ended up on 5 but may still change it to a 4 rating after pondering it for a while.

That's about where I'm at with this movie, but I can't be bothered to even rate this. The acting was just too bad.

This is Henry Cavill's famous line ripped straight from Rotten Tomatoes.

Will Shaw: Mom! Mom! Mom! I can't put him on the phone. They killed him!

Followed by the worst acting, ever.



this film actually make bold statement of Bond producers excellent decisions about choosing Craig over Cavill when they want to make Casino Royale with the new actor. after watching this movie i can't imagine Cavill play Bond similar way (acting wise) like he play in this garbage movies. Bond would be overreacting characters if Cavill playing in it. Craig is far more better actor than Cavill.



That movie flopped because it literally gave away the plot twist in the trailer.


The ending was good.I didn't understand why they added a sister until the end. Henry really seemed lost in the beginning, maybe it was bad direcion. A character is supposed to grow. I think it was supposed to be one of those CIA thrillers,but it wasn't very clever or twisted. I started watching it at night, I turned it off because it was boring and, the next day I was able to finish it.


I actually had better expectations with this film. I was lucky I did not come here first because I probably would not have watched it. There is nothing original about this film, everything was predictable and boring. Typical car chases and action film situations. From the moment you see it you know who's the bad guy, oh and those israeli terrorists at the end, that was even more ridiculous. Yeah, right, in the middle of nowhere in Madrid there come all those secret agents. Just really bad. The only two redeeming things about this were the Spanish locations, which show a lot of Madrid and Henry, the rest is just crap, and Bruce Willis is only for the first 20 minutes.


I have noticed loads of people on IMDb lately posting about trailers spoiling films! Do what I started doing years ago and stop watching them. My enjoyment of movies has improved immensely!


Totally agree.

Lazy weekend midday fun.

6.5/10 minimum.


I'm not sure why either. I never saw a trailer but heard about it briefly when it came out, then forgot about it and watched it last night. It was better than the awful reviews state.

Sure it was incredibly unoriginal and there wasn't one portion of the movie that I hadn't seen in another film but it didn't look cheap like a straight to DVD "thriller" filmed in Europe, it had action to keep it going, didn't have a bunch of dead time filled with unnecessary dialogue to get it to 90 minutes.

Sure it isn't memorable or worth a movie ticket but for watching it on-demand for free, certainly worthwhile. The people who hate it should watch some of the low budget straight to DVD action movies, many filmed in Romania to see some really shoddy filmmaking.

I gave it a 5, nothing lost nothing gained, simple yet forgettable cotton candy Bourne/Taken copycat movie.


Huh!! I originally posted two and a half years ago. I have absolutely no recollection of this movie What-so-ever. Even after reading the story synopsis, I still can't come up with anything.
