The minivan

So, Noah just walks away from the car, no questions asked?
The car is a wreck, there is coke all over the thing and kids with pee and shart stained clothing have been riding around in it all night, and the parents are all presumably fine with that...?
And he burgled his dad's jewellery store - Dad's ok with that.
And Karl doesn't seek out any sort of revenge?
Ok, I know its just a movie but the end credits seems to suggest all is well - ie no consequences.

"They who... give up... liberty to obtain... safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."


-So, Noah just walks away from the car, no questions asked?
At the point when the story end, the parens probaly never see nit, when it is in garrage.

-And he burgled his dad's jewellery store - Dad's ok with that.
Probaly not, Noah phone ringed, probaly it was his dad.
Maybe Noah talk him into it was payback for what Noas dad did.

-And Karl doesn't seek out any sort of revenge?
Yes you would thought he will take revenge.


I agree, it was pretty ridiculous. They ended the film as if everything is great and Noah will get away with everything with no consequences at all. Yeah, right. He even talks to the kids about "next time", as if he would EVER be asked to babysit again. I mean, the mother gets upset simply by the fact that when she comes home, the kids are still awake. She YELLS at Noah about it. What do you think her reaction will be when she realizes a bunch of plant pots and vases have been broken? Or when she opens the dishwasher to find the mess Noah just dumped in there? Or when she and her husband see the THOUSANDS of dollars of damage done to their minivan, plus it's covered inside with cocaine!! And you don't think after all of that, that the mother won't question the kids and find out that Noah took them out (obviously since the minivan is wrecked) and hear from the kids that they were dragged around the city all night, parked outside a drug dealer's place, sat in the car while Noah robbed a jewelery store, etc.? He steals his dad's car AND robs his store, and you don't think his dad would have him arrested for that? And the mother would find out that Noah told her son he is gay and THREW his prescribed medication into the river! That mother was a terrible mom, but, you know she would report Noah to the police for all kinds of crap. The movie ends on a cutesy note, but in all reality, the following day, Noah's life would be in ruins, he'd be in jail, probably sentenced to several years in prison on multiple different counts, etc. And there's no way that beautiful woman he ends up with at the end would EVER want to date him. No way.


I agree with most of what you write. These movies that glamorise stupid and illegal acts, and do not show the consequences, are appalling.

It was improbable that a lame white (and Jewish) guy like Noah would attract that rather beautiful black girl. However in real life probably his stupid gangster ways would attract a black girl. She probably would want to date him.
