MovieChat Forums > The Sitter (2011) Discussion > people's thoughts on the film?

people's thoughts on the film?

I wonder what people thought when watching the film, since I thought it was pretty decent, but a little over the top in my opinion. Noah was considering to be douche throughout most of the film.


Easily the worst movie I've seen this year. No redeeming qualities and zero humor. Hill plays yet another loser/slacker living with his mother and making smooth transitions into hip culture and meeting girls. He's using his Hollywood clout to create self-indulgent fantasy movies for himself.

I didn't even chuckle once. And not that I don't enjoy racy humor but this should have been a more family-friendly movies which is what I was expecting when I saw the kids. But right from the beginning we have a sex act, then drugs, then kids cursing, gay references, then tons of bad stereotypes and archetypes. Having kids myself, I can't enjoy this type of movie while there are tweens involved.


It was pretty awful. Not the worst movie I've ever seen, and it had some funny parts, but overall, I wouldn't recommend it to anyone and glad I only rented it on Netflix with my membership and didn't pay to see it in the theater.

3 out of 10 is what I would rate it.


I thought it was hilarious! I'm guessing the people that say it sucks also loved Bridesmaids...the dumbest, most overrated piece of crap I've seen in a long time.


Not the worst movie ever made, but one of the worst I've seen in a very long time. I gave it a 2/10.

S you in your A's Don't wear a C and J all over your B's


It was pretty flat for me. Not really funny at all. Some parts were cringe-worthy and unnecessary.
The whole going down thing at the beginning was just there to set the shock tone of the film and had nothing to do with anything again. It was a simple jerk girl using a goofy guy routine and couldve been done a zillion other funnier ways.
Drugs are done to death.
Rapper/actors..nuff said.
I agree with you, its over the top but not in a good way.

What I thought at the end? Adventures in babysitting with F words.


Waste of my time, tried to be funny but was poorly executed,seems like it was trying too hard to be funny but went over the top and fell flat.


"He's using his Hollywood clout to create self-indulgent fantasy movies for himself."

Like most of the people on IMDb would do if they had his position in the industry. Either that or make crummy remakes of films that shouldnt be bothered in the first place.

"Fair is fair!"~ Billie Jean Davy



I thought it was hilarious! Great one-liners made much funnier with excellent deliveries.
I don't understand the overwhelming negative reviews. I guess people's expectations were too high. Or mine were too low.

-'What do you look for in another human being?'
-'Stone Cold Steve Austin...'
