The Sitter Vs Adventures in baby sitting
Let me start off saying I really wanted to like this movie but I was hugely disappointed. The plot was stupid nothing was that funny, most not even chuckle worthy, the only good thing about this movie was the child actors I thought they did a decent job. I want to say too that Sam Rockwell is a boss actor, he is one of those underrated actors who deserves more block buster movies, him and Gary oldmen can tear up a screen but if he keeps picking movies like this he might as well flush his career down the toilet.
What I Liked/Didn't like
in AVIBS I like how the kids where more normal, in the sitter after seeing each child's problem you automatically knew Jonah Hill was going to solve their life long problems in a matter one heart to heart talk
The plot was a huge disappointing, you have Johnnah hill taking children to a bad part of town to buy coke to score with a stupid chick putting children lives in danger. In AVIBS you had a good person who was trying to do the right thing but put in bad situations which made you love the main character Chris. If those where my kids I would have murdered Johnnah Hill. making me like his character less, he stole money from a child, but it's OK because shes rich and spoiled. With that being said I'm going to punch Jaden Smith in the face and take his lunch money.