Similar films?

I saw this movie last night. I don't think it's the awful movie that a lot of people are making it out to be; I thought it was decently funny and somewhat interesting, though it certainly could have been better.

I'm wondering if anyone else knows of similar up-all-night films, where a protagonist has to go through obstacle after obstacle, preferably while having to keep others under his watch (so I'm thinking more Adventures in Babysitting rather than After Hours).

Thanks in advance, guys.


seem like an Updated version of Adventures in Babysitting to me.


Yes, I said besides that movie.


After Hours

Into the Night


After hours was a good movie very under rated


There was a movie that I think came out after this where a teenage girl is supposed to babysti her little brother but goes to hang out with friends instead. The little brother ends up venturing out of the house and she has to find him before her parents find out. Is that rining a bell with anyone? Anyone know what movie that is. i remember he wore a spiderman costume or spireman PJs or something.

You just killed my girlfriend.....thats actually....kinda pissing me off....huh....


I think that movie is called Fun-Size.
