Yet another programme which causes unnecessary problems for anyone with epilepsy and/or migraine. The flashing title effects at the start are bad enough but can be ignored (look away, close eyes, wait for music to stop). But when the same flashing comes on at the start and end of every ad break it becomes unbearable - and unwatchable.
Why does this happen? These effects add nothing to the plot. They don't encourage viewers to watch. All they do is make some viewers - like this one - reach for the off switch.
It may be because the storylines themselves include flashing lights such as nightclub and strip bar scenes, so they may figure what's the point when flashing lights are an important part of the plot anyway.
We have always found the Irish a bit odd. They refuse to be English. ~Winston Churchill
Do you just not like them or do they have an effect on you?
I was under the impression that any strobe effects that would effect an epileptic have to have a warning before the show. The Take doesn't feature a warning so assumed that they were not enough to set anyone off?
If it effects you and thats why you have a problem then fair enough, write to watchdog or whatever and raise the points, maybe they will take it into consideration.
If it just annoys you then, well, nevermind... if your going to let a few seconds put you off then its your loss.
I agree with the poster above - if the effects were a cause of photo sensitive epilepsy then there would need to be a warning.
And recent studies show that true migraines are caused by small imperfections in the heart that allow impurities into the bloodstream. Not really caused by flashing lights
Theres no such thing as BEST EVER, just best in recent memory
every programme on TV goes through a process to measure flashes anyway. If it had an illegal amount of flashing (which is 4 or more per second) then the machine logs a warning and the tape will not be broadcast.
The graphics (not "effects") were not flashing but jumping. They are a legitmate effect used on everything from the Take to Women Behind Bars. They do NOT cause epileptic fits.
You will probably find you're in 1% of the population who can't look at something like that. Unfortunately it's your call on whether to watch all four episodes of a series if it's giving you a headache.
Well I personally am epileptic,so I know how you feel.I don't think effects are what ruined this.It was simply bad writing and storytelling.Also Tom Hardy's acting was awful.His character was awful,and I couldn't stand him.They should have kept his character on screen as little as possible and killed him off sooner.
The show would have been better without him.It would be nice to see how his family cope with his death.And then of course the police would get involved which would cause more problems.
And of course he wouldn't have gotten the chance to rape Maggie.He would have been dead before then.In fact,he would have been killed AT the ecstasy deal.
If they had done all this(and of course gotten rid of the flashing lights),the show would have been MUCH better.
I should have known those alien maggots booby trapped this sub