I love

I love the original 1996 film and as a result followed up by watching the complete serial form a library dvd, and now this. Granted only one episode in, but it has me hooked thus far. I believe Assayas to be a ground breaking filmmaker ever since Cold Water. His ending homage to lettrism as I learned was a portal into even more appreciation for French cinema.

I think it’s telling that cinema as we know it today really originated from France. Hollywood certainly created the entertainment out of it, but let’s really look at its original derivation. Cheers!


Look at THIS. Citizen Kane created the vocabulary of cinema, and it isn’t French.

The French DO excel at condescension and surrendering, however.

Also, I want to point out that the OP was last (and first, and ONLY) here 1 month ago and has posted sweet fuck all since, so I perceive a shill post.


I'm sure OP got HBO Max new subscribers by posting on a dead board.

who hurt you?
