TIL Agatha Christie - Trauma Exploiter in Interracial Marriage!
Well clearly Agatha wasn’t racist after all since her husband was a black archaeologist in the early 20th century!
And who knew she was one of those true crime weirdos! If she were alive today she’d probably have a podcast with lots of trauuuuuma pornnnnnn and vocal fryyyyy.
Overall, fun movie if wickedly hypocritical about exploitation as the movie only exists on the back of Christie. The cast was really underutilized, too. If the mystery were more… mysterious, and the whodunit aspect more whodunit-y, it would be worth revisiting. As it is, it’s too short and simple and Hallmark-y; this is a one and done. Lots of cool shots, sets, music, casting (except for Agatha and Mr. Agatha), and acting; poor mystery. Not enough brainpower either and they treat the audience like morons.